.FLV to KVCD ?

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by georgeluv, Nov 11, 2006.

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  1. georgeluv

    georgeluv Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    ok, i have this 2 hour video i snagged off of google video in crappy flv format. i want to convert it to kvcd compatable mpeg. i have made dozens of perfectly fine kvcds before, menues and everything. i have worked out all the normal sync issues.

    i open tmpgenc xpress 4, go to open the video, it doesnt show. i change the format of video it reads from "suported formats" to "everything" and it shows, i select it and in the preview window it seems to show just fine. if i fast forward a good distance in the preview window the audio goes out of sync, but if i just hit play from the begining, or if i jsut fast forward it a little at a time the audio stays fine. so i gave it a go on conversion to kvcd mpeg 1 and guess what, the audio still does the same exact thing, IN THE NEW KVCD COPY. at least i think it does. the audio is fine at the begining, but when i fast forward to the end its out of sync.

    please someone tell me there is a way to fix this. i refuse to pay 40 dollars for a prog to convert ONE format, especialy since ill probably only need it just this one time. if anyone has a serial for moyea flv converter and would like to PM it to me ill be your friend :)

    the video is "money masters" its an expose on private central banks and the federal rewserve, i HIGHLY recomend checking it out if you want to know how our most powerful bank works and how to protect yourself for when the stock market crashes, the reason i am trying to convert it is so i can make literaly dozens of copies and hand them out to anyone who will take them because the information contained in this video is so amazing and powerful. and it aint some conspiricy theory garbage its all real, the majority of the video is the narirator simply reciting well known events from history and reciting quotes from polotitions such as james madison, tohmas jefferson, and the rest of the good ol boys all the way up threw the depresion and to the present day.
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