ok so i have a bunch of folders right. and i want to make a list of their names that i can paste in a .txt file or something. is there any program that does this?
open a command window in the top folder and type DIR /B /AD > dirlist.txt This will give you a list of all the folders under that one.
ok so the directory is C:\Users\Amir\Documents\Downloads\Music can u tell me what i would type, i tried everything i could think of and nothing
1. Start button 2. Run... 3. Type cmd.exe 4. Click OK or press ENTER 5. Command window opens 6. Click in the window 7. Type C:\ at the prompt. Hit ENTER 8. Type CD C:\Users\Amir\Documents\Downloads\Music at the prompt. Hit ENTER 9. Type DIR /B /AD. Hit ENTER 10. You should see a list of the folders 11. If you did see the list goto 12. If you did not, start again at 1 12. Type DIR /B /AD > Dirlist.txt and hit ENTER 13. You now have a file called Dirlist.txt in that folder 14. Type Notepad.exe Dirlist.txt and hit ENTER 15. View file 16. That's it