Recently I started folding@home and as I watched my system stats I began to wonder if it could be harmful to run my system that hard all the time. One of my cores is always at 100% (the same one every time) and my gpu is fully loaded too. Also, is there an official/unofficial AD folding team? Thanks, Parker
No team that I know of. I don't even know what team I'm folding under. Your computer is designed to run under full load for long durations. Many people routinely stress their cores for 10-12 hours under max load for stability testing. That being said I don't have my client using 100% of my CPU. I'd simply rather not have my computer consuming that much electricity. I'm assuming you are running the GPU client. You can right click the system tray icon to get into the settings and manually set how much resources you want it to use.
I didn't think there was an AD team but wanted to check anyway. When I said all the time I was thinking folding for 5+ days non-stop. Anyway, I was thinking (more like wishing) about upgrading so I'll just see if anything fails Paker