Foobar2000 music player - opening on a clean playlist

Discussion in 'Audio' started by isaac4130, May 12, 2005.

  1. isaac4130

    isaac4130 Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    Hi all, I am using the Foobar2000 music player, (version0.8.3), and I am overall very impressed with it. But, each time I open Foobar, it retains the tracks loaded on there from my playlist last time I used it. As I use this program in conjunction with Uberview music manager, I would rather it starts with a clean slate each time I open it. However, Foobar is extremely customizable, and I don't want to stuff anything else up. Anyone know how to do it?
    P.S. If you haven't tried Foobar, give it a go, it's small, fast, and doesn't have all the media/advertising crap of Musicmatch or Windows MP.
  2. 930

    930 Member

    Aug 28, 2003
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    Hi isaac4130, I suggest you head over to the foobar2000 forums:

    My $0.02:
    Make a batch file which empties the foobar2000/playlists directory then runs FB2K, this way you have a clean slate.
    -this way you may run into trouble if it's already open when you run it.

    You can control FB2K from the command line, but AFAICT no commands actually clear the playlist(s), if you want the commands, type C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000 /? at your CLI, note the command switches and check out prefs>keyboard shortcuts for the entire command list.

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