I bought the original Football Manager 2005 game for the PC and everytime I try and launch it I get a "error dvd/cd emulation" message, I could only get it running by uninstalling CloneCD, I think it is unfair that I cannot have my burning software installed on my PC to run the game and I am wondering if there is any patch that could fix my problem-i.e. allow me to run the game and have CloneCD installed. Thanks for your help.
Negative, there is no patch or fix with clonecd. Clonecd likes to blacklist games and that sucks. Maybe clonecd will update and fix this problem. I would suggest Alcohol 120%, but thats just a suggestion. Just to add..This is my favorite program
hmm yes I too like alco 120% fast and simple but now EA got a brilliant idea of doing the same thing as football manager but instead of making you uninstall CloneCD they make you uninstall Alcohol 120%-lucky I don't like the Sims then.
The blacklisting is why my enthusiasm for testing the newest ConeCD was short lived. Hopefully Elby will fix this in the next update. Alcohol 120% or BlindWrite (my fave) are outstanding options with little to no blacklisting problems