Hi Guys Question for the experts.I am running the sportster 1.7 image and saved on my computer are 2 bouquet xml files each one seems to have a few channels missing.Iv'e tried using the one with the most channels and then rescanned for the one or two that's missing.That seems to recover those but loses the ones that I put on via ftp.Is there any simple way around this or will I have to grin and bear it.I forgot to say that when I re-scan now there seems to be a few channels less than there used to be is this an image problem because if it is I can change for sportster 1.8 x1. Thanks in advance Chaggy.
do this use a xml editor (not Notedpad) on your computer open up the two boquet files compare them and cut and paste the missing channels to one of the boquet files and transfer them over to the dbox
Hi Mate Can't find that one but loads of other ones any other sugestions.When I find a suitable one can you please tell me how to use,never used before. Thanks Charlie.
Hi Guys That one seems ok got the list of files but can you tell me what to do with them please. Charlie.