For the Experts...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by clayto, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. clayto

    clayto Guest

    I just bought an Aladdin Advance Live modchip and it should be arriving here soon. I am not a genius with all of this lango and etc... I was wondering if anyone could help me find out how to install and work all the things i need to store games in xbox or create back-ups or whatever. I was hoping to find a link to another site that is for retarded people like me or if someone would be willing to be contacted via email, instant message or even phone to help me out.
    I appreciate your time.
  2. BoxMods

    BoxMods Regular member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Read on the Forums at
  3. clayto

    clayto Guest

    that sight was very informative... and still a little over my head haha... says alot about my intelligence... but i did figure out how to open my xbox and check the version and i can probably install it with the help of my brother(manager of a radioshack) but can anyone post me a checklist type thing for all the stuff i need for copying xbox games, and running them on my xbox or something like that... sorry to be bothering you if these questions seem elementary.
  4. andres200

    andres200 Regular member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    a hacked bios xecuter or evox
    Latest Evolution X Dashboard
    a hub/router/switch or crossover cable
    Burning program that will burn image isos (Nero Works very well)

    i can help you through it all
  5. clayto

    clayto Guest

    a hacked bios xecuter or evox
    Latest Evolution X Dashboard
    a hub/router/switch or crossover cable
    Burning program that will burn image isos (Nero Works very well)

    ok i have a router so i think thats covered... i just ordered nero a few days ago, i cant get craxtion downlaoded to my computer it keeps downloading and then saying the path to that file could not be found. im not sure what flashfxp is but i can research it on the internet and how do i get this evolution x stuff i tried some whole deal with the mIRC and getting on the server this and channel that #xbins but nothing happened
    so if you can help me out with any of that it would be much appreciated
  6. andres200

    andres200 Regular member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    pm me your contact info
    i can can help you obtain everything you need
  7. clayto

    clayto Guest

    my email is <>
    i will logon my screename which is <>
    that should work for now,,, and its late now so if we have to talk by phone or whatnot i can call anywhere tomorrow.... but if you have a screename of any kind you can instant message clayers709 and if you dont email me at <> and we can figure something out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2004
  8. clayto

    clayto Guest

    i figured out everything up to getting craxtion downloaded its finally up and running in creation mode... what do i do with it and what am i supposed to be creating?
  9. scottas

    scottas Guest

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