FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!! Have you seen Basil Fawlty beating up his car????? --- I don't care if my PC cost over a grand - it's gonna get it in a minute! Problem: Iomega Dual DVD +- R/w drive (and before you say, i [bold]know[/bold] I should have bought pioneer (whoever said "never take your own advice"?). Burns sweetly with Datasafe +RW disks - no coasters. Recently gon n got myself one of them fancy dvd printin' injet printers, so lookin for some printable media. However, the majority of this seems to be -R. So, toddle on over to this site's reccommended dvd media sites (Orpheus - your reccs - and i'm not doubting them) an get myself some printable -r media (Ritek, G04?). Done this twice - 80% are coasters. Yet +RW still work every time. Software= dvd copy express. Scoured for DVD+RW printable - no joy. My question thus: 1. Many variables here - format, software, disc make. WHich to vary? 2. How do I politley tell Iomega that their web support sucks and as they are a hardware supplier, they should maybe reccommend media? 3. I WANT DAFASAFE +RW PRINTABLE MEDIA! (harrummph - i guess it's not avaialble but why?) Cummon people, restore my faith in alternative, underground means to an end and help me out here. Stig. (with branch ready in hand!) pps (I'm sick of waisting money on flippin useless coasters!)
LOL I like fawlty towers.....cos I can really relate to his tantrums....... Not sounding funny but (I seem to state the obvious) I would find it very 'ironic' to produce an rw with a printable surface as they are designed to be reused.......but the print surface could not be..... This does not mean they do not exist.....I have not come across any yet....others may have... I myself do not use any 'printable' discs or even attach labels to them......basically because it can throw the 'balance' of the disc out and make it incompatible with various dvd players.... I do know people have had success with labels or printable discs, but I think it may be a case of trial and error.... Maybe someone may step in and give you some other alternatives to try...... It may also be down to the software used, I have no experience with dvd copy express, but I do know people have experienced issues with it... Sorry I could not help you more....
Hi stigzler, Just looked at your drive on There are 34 posts on your drive. Biggest problem listed is that firmware needs updated before it will read media properly. Go there and look under dvd writer drives. It may help you get it working. Also list media compatability. Jerry
Thanks baabaa and jerry. Updated firmware from iomega site. Also changed software i'm using to DVDShrink and Nero - lot more control over compression etc. Here's the rub - no change! I can write fine to -r at 2x speed. Can still write at 4x with RW. On the dvdrhelp site - someone's posted "do not buy this drive - it only writes at 2x speed!" and i'm beggining to suspect he's right. When get burn error - "#33 CDR -1106 File Writer.cpp, Line 301 Power calibration error" don't sound good does it???? anyways, my quest continues to vary every single permutation of what it could be - i'm currently dressing my computer as Bob Geldoff and singing xmas tunes tunes to it... maybe that'll work!!????
I find a nice little tickle and a stroke sometimes does wonders aswell........LOL OR if that fails, prance around it holding a laptop in your arms singing 'I just died in your arms tonight'..... BTW: when performing make sure there is no-one else there and the curains are closed....failure to do this may result in a visit from Dr.Nuts.......