for your stolen xbox 360 needs

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by boomer3bs, Dec 19, 2006.

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  1. boomer3bs

    boomer3bs Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    okay hopefuly you have all your 360 #s written down that is solid proof of ownership on any thing electronic under 3,000 also if you are smart you kept your reciept now have a credit card registered on there so if it is still valid and they buy stuff with it then you can get them with frauwd and identity theft also you get your 360 back next you can get one of tose pet micro chips tha they use for pets that tell you where it is any where in the sattillite regional area also it will call a set phone # whenever the micro chip "xbox 360" leaves your property this chip cost around $30 good deal. if you take all of theeseprocassions the only way they can steal it is if they set off a micro wave bomb wich would draw a LOT of attention to that location you know like any thing electronic unprotected system failure pernament so air planes with in a 6 mile radious would fall
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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