I'm having problems getting into my bios, when i restart my pc it sends me straight to os menu. I've tried pressing esc on start up along with all the f keys and it still sends me straight to os menu. the only other menu i can get to is when i press f5, then i go to advanced start up, this menu only lets me debug or safe start, no boot from disc or format options. My pc really needs formatting and a clean install of windows as it had lots of virus attacks and bugs and is running really slow and keeps crashing. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Morning, If a Format is all you interested in. Go to a normal start up screen, go to Start, Run, type in Command prompt, and from the Command screen you can run your Fromat. Hopes this helps, and I'm sure there are people out there than can give you better help than me, you should get more replies.
thanks for the3 reply, i'm actuall trying to get into my bios to format and do a fresh clean install of windows.
When you restart the computer just repeatedly press the button that logs you into your bios screen. Its normally one of the function keeys or delete. Just when u hit reboot just keep pressing the button till it registers.
cheers mate, work like a treat, restarted and kept pressing F11 and it took me straight to the bios screen. thanks for your help