Hey there, I'm a newbie. It’s good to be here tho. I've thoroughly enjoyed browsing thru all the previous posts and picking up ideas and tips. Just want to share a little secret with those of you struggling as much as I did to find a quality CDs without having to take out a second mortgage! There is a site where you can buy all sorts of CDs it’s at, [link removed by mod] I know I sound like one of those corny sales people trying to pull a fast one, but I’m honestly only trying to help. My friend recommended I give it a try, I was suspicious at first – you know the whole buying online thing, but I’ve really been amazed at just what you can buy! Tell me what you guys think? Both about the buying online and the CDs!
Hi, the link got taken out and if you could I was wondering if you could send that link to my e-mail at OIGEORGET323IO. Thank You
Hey, Well actually my email account has a mail filter so I don't have to worry about getting any spam anyway.