Framerate problem using TMPGEnc DVD Author

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by VK85, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. VK85

    VK85 Guest

    I've used the following guide to convert a VCD to a DVD:

    When I try to load the file in DVD Author I get an error message saying the file must have a framerate of 29.97, and my file has a framerate of 23.976.

    I used DVD2SVCD to convert the original AVI file to a VCD.

    Could someone tell me how to change the framerate or what else I could possibly do to fix this problem?

  2. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    you must use correct framrate. u can find out the framrate by downloading a program called avicodec its very small and you load files into it and it says the framrate or fps. frames per sec. if its 29.97 you do tmpge at ntsc if its 23.976 u use ntsc-film. and if the movie is 25 frames or around there its pal which is another countries standard of video and sometimes can be loaded into tmpge as ntsc-film and it'll work. if not then thats a whole new question. my advice...always know framrate before you load into tmpge with avicodec to tell you fps. then use the right thing in tmpge. ntsc or ntsc-film
  3. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    oh yeah... using tmpge instead will make the file something that'll be recognized as a video cd and can be burned as such. i use record now max. although my version is record now dx which comes on my sony vaio but its the same program but if i try to click video cd burn and the movie that has not been converted with tmpge to ntsc or ntsc-film (depending on framerate of original movie) i get same message. you need to convert movie with tmpge 1st then it'll load as a vcd into burn program

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