I am trying to frame serve a mpg file from virtualdubmod to tmpge. I have done this in the past, but now I get an error. When I try to open the file tmpge says "Could not create filename.m2v file) and thats it. I tried to convert it in virtualdubmod as a avi, but a single 22 min movie goign to avi is taking over 12 gigs. Any idea whats going on?
It never happened to me. Try to re-start the wizard to create a DVD and load the VDR file. Or try to change the output file name, it seems TMPGenc tries to overwrite a read-only file. I can't imagine why it doesn't work.... If you load the VDR, can you watch the file with Settings ---> Advanced ----> Select Range ?
sorry, I forgot all about making this thread. I found the problem. It was trying to create the file in a folder that didn't exsist.