Free iPod !! It is trapped, caged behind bars in the Dungeon of Slow Torment beneath The Mountain of Shadow... Can you help? Poor iPod; be free again to play in the sun. LoL Get 'em Neph
and here i was thinking i was gonna get to call someone a "fucknut". ;_; you got my hopes up, OGS! ;_; oh well, still funny
The_OGS, watch it that nephilim doesn't ban you or reduce your status to lowly newbie for dashing his hopes. do you hear the thunder approaching!!!!!
hahahha, I was hoping to see someone get banned too, nice trick OGS, you should have saved it for April 1st though.
God...April 1st has the potential to be pretty scary around here...think of all the newbie spammers attacking at once..
Great and April 1st falls on a Friday. I won't get home till 5PM PST. @Nephilim, Got to bed early on March 31st ... better yet sleep all day on the 31st. Wake up at Midnight and monitor aD till I get off lol
they might do some kind of raid, setting fire to and pillaging all of AD. like neo-vikings or something. we had better be prepared; we must raise an army! where are the AD Marines?!?!
i've got my handy-dandy .50 caliber sniper rifle and my M-60. if you lend me a grenade launcher, Neph, i'll be able to provide some nice general cover fire and take out some of their officers here and there. an interesting note: i've discovered a secret tunnel, dug by spammers, into the AD Arsenal. i've already taken the liberty of eliminating the excavaters, but someone needs to collapse the shaft. let's be ready for them ;-)
*shrugs* i do what i can but on a more serious note, i have now a rather large supply of C-4 that i am going to use to blow the tunnel. wish me luck! *puts on a hard hat and walks away*