Is their any programs on the internet that allow you to convert avi files to a dvd disc without purchasing it?
Simple but works: Import the file(s) (AVI, WMV,MPEG, VOB) Output (standard DVD file format) to a folder on the HDD. Set 'Aspect' to 4:3 (if you have a regular TV) 16:9 if you have a widescreen TV. Set 'Standard' to NTSC (if you live in North America) (PAL if your in the UK) Burn DVD with 'ImgBurn' Run ImgBurn Click 'Mode' > 'Build' Click 'Output' > 'Device' Click 'File' > 'Browse for Folder', highlight on the 'VIDEO_TS' folder, > 'OK' Set burning speed to 4x and click the green write button.