hi i am in need of the frequency for the live evnt channel on starview 2 the box for this sundays wwe no mercy .i have tried searching automatically and also manually on frequencies 411.00 and 619.00 that fergusb listed on one of the threads but this has not detected the live event channel wich i assume is showing the preview to wwe no mercy i wud appreciate it if neone cud please give me a manual frequency i cud use to search for the channel as i really dont want to miss this live event. i am from blackburn, north west england. please help!!! gerrard_8
Thank god my hubby doesn't know his way around this site. He thinks the live event channel doesn't work permanently. And I'll never fix it for him. hahahahaha
LOL it cant be that much of an emergency the reason you cant get it is because it probably hasnt start broadcasting yet if you do a scan a short while before the event you will find it. You could possibly already have it either named as the events channel or as TV***, (*** indicates a number).
ok oh and another fing the new codes everyone is on about on here.does this apply to starview 1 box or starview 2 the box? i have a starview 2 box and wen i switched it on ne channel apart from the terrestrial chanels i got a blank screen then after a few secs it said updating data 0% 20% 40% etc all the way to 100% thn the channel came back on. what does this mean? do i need to input ne codes or nefing?i am very new to this starview 2 box. if i do neeed to put ne codes on then please cud u assist me on hot to. i wud rally appreciate it fanxs g8
Your fine as the Starview 2 called "The Box" auto updates the keys for you so no worries there. Sorry I have to head so I hope you can get sorted before the event starts.