I got this from bloody-disgusting.com: First Halloween and now this?! Sure he's written an entire book based on the Friday the 13th franchise, but does that make him an expert on what will happen? Who knows, but according to Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th author Peter M. Bracke, New Line Cinema may end up remaking Friday the 13th in the future. Read on for the skinny... Bradley Nathan pointed me to an article over at Yahoo! that had some very interesting info from "Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th" author Peter M. Bracke: "Well, you know, it's no surprise they're actually planning another film," revealed author Bracke. "It's going to be another team-up film, with Freddy (Krueger of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series) vs. Jason vs. Michael Myers (of the "Halloween" films), which makes sense. And then they're talking about remaking the first movie and starting all over again ... Click the link below for the full story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051023...VvYTuxKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3YXYwNDRrBHNlYwM3NjI
First of all, the original Friday the 13th was NOT crap. You obviously don't appreciate great horror. Second of all, why is it strange that I think Dakota Fanning is cute? She is a very cute and talented little girl.
lol. i love good horror and miss it alot friday the 13th was crap not great not really a horror at all to be honest more of a thriller and a bit of a rip off of halloween (which is very good) if you want great horror see if you can get a hold of the original "Nosferatu". he's the original vampire - classic classic horror - the guy that plays him (dont remember his name) is fooking scary or a nightmare on elm street. dawn of the dead (original) night of the living dead the evil dead i could go on i do appreciate great horror i just happen to believe that friday the 13th doesn't fall into that catagory RavenLife