I had a guy from my old job modify my Xbox 2 years ago. I believe it was modified with Xecuter 2 and evox. The problem that I have is my little brother came over and was dicking around with the xbox and he switched it to PAL and now I cant see shit when I turn on the xbox. The screan rolls up and down really fast. This problem had happened before and blindly I was able to go through the settings and switch it back, but I can't do it this times, I don't remember the settings. I was wondering if anybody could give me the directions to the setting or like some directions for creating a boot disk to switch it back or any kind of info that could help me out here. Thanks*
Chances are I can't give you the exact times you should click down and and all that as most Evox settings are different. Have you got a V-hold button on you TV? if you do, you can stop it scrolling and it'll just be in B&W! You need to go to "Applications" then a program called "Enigma Video Switcher"!
Thanks for the tip!! I'll definitly check into my tv for the v-hold im not sure if it has it. I'm not sure if this explaines my evox list of settings but the first option is to access dvd drive, the second is access the hdd for the saved xbox games and the third is applications. So I do know how to get into the applications but from there i'm not sure where the enigma video switcher is.....lol i'm pretty sure the applications is the third down.
I modded and repaired a few xbox consoles and I keep an old television with the v-hold dial just for this problem.