Frozen at Loading... screen

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by dpj13, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. dpj13

    dpj13 Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    I have recently purchased an R4 for my Nintendo DS however i am having a problem. When i turn on my DS there is a screen that says Loading... and then nothing happens. I have followed the instructions properly from the instuction manual and from a few other sources. I put the _system_, moonshl, _DS_MENU.DAT, and _DS_MSHL.NDS files/folders onto my microSD along with a .nds game. I have tried reformatting my microSD many times and still nothing. Is this a common problem? Are there any solutions to this problem?
  2. jodiebex

    jodiebex Guest

    You should have loaded ds menu dat file, ds menu system file, mshl file, and the _system_ Folder. i.e 3 files and one folder in total - did you miss the ds menu system file which is different to the system folder.
    hope this helps
  3. dpj13

    dpj13 Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    ive just made a new discovery. When i put my microSD in my R4 without any files on it the exact same thing happens and it just says Loading... Could my R4 be broken?

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