Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gibby94, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. gibby94

    gibby94 Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    This is my problem....i have dvdxcopy express! Every time i put an original dvd to backup it says error occured reading sectors!Data:1/0

    I have no idea this is happening...I also have wont let me copy dvds period...i can just copy a burned dvd that has already been burned!

    Is there any other downloads or software that will work so I can back up my whole dvd collection?

    ty gibby
  2. Car.Mike

    Car.Mike Active member

    Jan 24, 2004
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    That error code is a scratch on the inner ring or a bad sector;
    Below are Free programs that should get you going. I included some homemade guides for you to use.

    1. Download DVDDecrypter ( FREE ) This is your ripper. Insert DVD in DVD-Rom drive. At top make sure it does whole movie and saves to HD ( C:\ ) usually saves the file in the name of the movie.
    2. Download DVD Shrink ( FREE ) This is your compression program. Find on the C:\ the files that were ripped. Once found click on the files and DVD Shrink will quickly analyze. Then click backup and you will go into preferences. Inside preferences there is a box to click so that you can burn in Nero automatically. After clicking O.K. DVD Shrink will do a deep analysis of the movie and then start the encode.
    3. Download Nero ( trial version ) This is a free 30 day trial if you do not own it. After the encode is finished the burn starts and you are done

    Guides to Use: Guides for Programs DVDDecrypter;
    Guides for DVDShrink:

    Do the downloads first. These programs are very easy to use and there are guides on how to use each program on their respective sites. Hope this has not confused you but it is easy to use and should take you 15-30 minutes to master the programs. Copy the guides so that you can use these as you do the steps.

    Directions for using DVD Programs:
    Using DVDShrink to rip and Nero to burn

    Set Up Guide for DVD Shrink using Nero

    1.Make a folder on the Desktop and name it Rip Movies
    2.Put DVD Movie in your DVD-Rom or DVD-Writer
    3.When Windows asks if you want to play movie hit cancel
    4.Open DVD Shrink

    Setup Shrink

    1.Edit>preferences ( you can look at it if you want to but it is already setup)
    2.File I/O> Burn Setting -check enable burning w/ Nero
    Click O.K.
    3.Open Disc- click it ( Shrink will do quick analysis )

    Copy Movie Only Method

    1.At top click on Re-Author
    2.Main Movie – Drag title to the left side

    1.Compression settings
    a.Audio- uncheck the audio you do not want
    b.Subpicture- uncheck any you do not want
    c.Video- Where it says Automatic Ratio click to Custom Ratio( at the top you will see a Green Bar. Right below where you clicked on Custom Ratio is a bar. Move that bar to the left and you will see the Green Bar at the top move left and it will show some gray color. Make sure only 1/8” to ¼” of gray color shows (this keeps you from burning to the outer edge of the disk))
    2.Backup>select target device ( make sure this is your burner )
    3.Select Folder for temp files ( make sure this is the folder on the desktop you created Rip Movies)
    4.Click O.K.

    Now DVD Shrink does Deep Analysis and then encodes the movie and then automatically burn the DVD using Nero

    Using DVD Shrink to rip and DVDDecrypter to burn

    1. Make a folder on your Desktop> call it Rip Movies

    2. Insert Movie in either DVD burner or DVD-Rom and click cancel when it asks you what to use to open the movie

    3. Open DVD Shrink> click Open Disc> Shrink does quick analysis

    4. Movie Only Option

    a. Go to Re-author and Click

    b. Under Main movie slide the main movie to the left under DVD Structure

    c. You can now remove the languages you do not want and the audio you do not want.

    5. Click Backup and go to burn setting and disable Nero if you have Nero

    6. Click SelectTarget Drive> click Iso Disc Image

    7. Select Target Image File> Browse>Desktop> Rip Movie ( file you made)

    8. Make sure to check the box Launch DVDDecrypter to burn the output image

    9. click O.K

    10. It will now do analysis and then encode the movie and automatically burn with DVDDecrypter

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2004
  3. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Ya Nero link. :)


    Just one thing about re-authoring w/ Shrink is ... you lose the menu function. If you end up getting Nero 6, you can re-author with Recode2 and keep a working menu. That all :)
  4. gibby94

    gibby94 Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    the shrink program is it for making the movie smaller?
  5. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Shrink is for ripping and compressing. It won't burn on it's own. So you either burn with Nero($49) or with DVD Decrypter(free).
  6. Car.Mike

    Car.Mike Active member

    Jan 24, 2004
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    If you can figure out what I am doing wrong w/ that Nero URL's ( I am just cutting and pasting the addy) it would be greatly appreciated) This is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened. I think I will just start using the word Nero and let Afterdawns's computer pick up the addy.
    Thanks for bringing it to my attention again.
  7. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I've had the same problem with some links, you just have to keep an eye out for it :)

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