Up for sale is an 80 gig PS3 bundle with MGS 4. Its the white boxed bundle that is sold out everywhere. The price is $650. Brand new and never opened. Shipping will be $30.
No offense, but I saw at least 10 of these at Best Buy yesterday. I could walk out of the store with one for $100 less than what you are asking w/o shipping.
I already have a MotorStorm 80GB PS3, but I was just letting you know in case you have bought it just for re-selling purposes. It seemed they were sold out for a week, but at least in my area they are just as available as the MotorStorm bundles were.
Exactly, these are EVERYWHERE for a lot cheaper than this. LOL the seller probably bought this thinking he was gonna rip off someone, think again.
not really, ill prolly on make like $60 bucks off this after tax and shipping itll prolly cost me around $580-590. Regardless, if you dont like the price dont buy it. This is for people that cant get it. Im not asking you to buy this at a higher price that what your store offers. If your store has them then buy it there, you would be stupid to buy mine. Please dont post though if you're not interested, its bumping a for sale essentially which doesnt need to be bumped unless its for a good reason.
I just seen on Circuit Citys site that more of these are to be for sale retail July 7th. What will suck is if these become "limited" like the Elite was suppose to be. There are alot of these on eBay for ~$100 cheaper. I'm not ragging on ya... just figured if you want to sell it, you may want to rethink your price.
now that they're obviously not for out of stock i might just take it back. ill keep it up for a few days. i already got the gun-metal bundle sitting in the closet.
Listen to Bhetrick, he knows what he is talking about. Dude, Wal Mart has this for $499 and then they are/were offering the $100 gift card, plus if you apply apply for a Sony Chase Credit Card, you would get a $100 credit toward a PS3.