ftp client connects to xbox then disconnects after waiting for welcome message??

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Tabzy, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Tabzy

    Tabzy Guest

    hey guy, mr newbie here lol

    in need of some help plz :( been at this all day n jus bout to start doin me nut in. right... trying to copy game from xbox to pc using a ftp client ( filezilla, heard its best) run filezilla put in ip address i.e, no user name or password as there isnt one in the xbox settings... click connect n i get this message :

    Status: Connecting to ...
    Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
    Error: Disconnected from server
    Error: Unable to connect!

    ...... now i've ran out of things to try :( any help would be apreciated, cheers
  2. DavGerm4

    DavGerm4 Active member

    May 25, 2006
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    Actually, I think that FlashFXP is the best around. But what do I know Right! Anyways, what chip do you have installed on the system, or is it a softmod? Because the xbox has a username and password, when you use FTP, unless you deleted it. Try using the username and password x3/x3 or xbox/xbox. One of those may work. If you have a hard modded xbox, what chip do you have?
  3. jombee

    jombee Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    also your IP address could be wrong.
    that message is just a standard "timeout" error. it happens to me when I try to ftp without connecting the cable all the time.

    when you boot the xbox to your dashboard it should tell you what the IP is, if not right on the main screen then it's probably under options or settings somewhere.
  4. Tabzy

    Tabzy Guest

    thx, sorted it, i changed my pc's ip in the internet protocol settings to the exact ip in the xbox, and changed to 'use active mode' in my ftp client and it connected straight away :D
  5. DavGerm4

    DavGerm4 Active member

    May 25, 2006
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    Congrats on getting it configured Correctly. If you ever need anymore help, you know who to go to.

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