FTP connection doesn't work anymore......

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Konuvis, May 11, 2007.

  1. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    Hi all,

    I'm getting really annoyed here.
    about 2 years ago I had no problem what so ever. I used a DSL connection with static IP and connected with my xbox no problem.

    then i switched to TWC and i bought a router. everything works peachy but i wasn't using my xbox.

    today i tried to connect to it. won't work.
    i set the IP the default gateway eveything as usual but it won't connect.

    now here's the weird part.
    I rebooted several times to try out and when my Xbox was turned on I would get a "limited connection" BS and couldn't access the internet.
    but then when that happened i could connect to my xbox but not fully (the "feat" and "pasv" stuff failed)

    I'm really at a loss so if anyone has any ideas......
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    Hm, did you accidentally disable FTP from your dash? I don't know were it is located anymore, but its in like the Network part..
  3. edsrouter

    edsrouter Member

    May 28, 2005
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    Are you using a "cross-over" cable or a standard ethernet cable? If you're going through a router, then you have to use a standard cable. In the old days if you weren't using a router then a cross-over cable was used.

    Secondly, are you using the router I.P. as your gateway address?

    Third, is there any conflicts with your xbox's IP, computer's IP, or router IP? (i.e. same IP)

    Fourth, how are you FTP'ing? (What program)

    Lastly, assuming you aren't banned (and won't be banned if you try)can you connect to anything else internet related such as xbox live?
  4. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    Ok so

    no I haven't disabled the FTP in my dashboard.

    1- I'm using a cross-over cable connected directly to the ethernet card. I only use the router for internet and xbox live 360

    2- I'm not sure what you mean by this :(

    3- it told me a few times about conflicts but not anymore. I tried to change some IPs (becasue it said they were unused but i couldn't because only the administrator can, which I am....sometime i just LOVE windows)

    4- I'm using SmartFTP with the same settings I've used for 4+ years

    5- I've never connected to Xboxlive through my xbox but my 360 had no problem
  5. edsrouter

    edsrouter Member

    May 28, 2005
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    Just for shins and grins... Let's try this... This is a known working configuration for me and if doesn't work for you then maybe your networking components are out.

    1. Use a standard cable and connect your xbox to your router.

    2. In Windows go to Start>Control Panel>Network Connections>Local Area Connection>Support>Details

    Write down everything except physical address, WINS server, and DNS Server.

    3. Now go to Start>Control Panel>Network Connections>Local Area Connection>Properties>Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)

    Select "Use the following IP address":
    Input the same numbers you wrote down. For DNS Server use the same IP address as Default Gateway.

    Now go to your xbox and select "network configuration" or whatever its called and input the same numbers in your xbox EXCEPT DO NOT CHANGE YOUR XBOX IP ADDRESS just make sure it doesn't match any of the IP addresses on your computer. If your xbox IP does match then you will have to change it. Use the same IP for Default Gateway and Subnet mask and DNS server (same as Default Gateway) that you wrote down.

    Lastly write down your xbox IP address.

    On your computer open an Internet Explorer window.

    On the address bar clear everything out and type:

    ftp://(whatever your xbox ip address is)


    Probably ask you to log in if all goes well, you should be familiar with this.
    Make sure your xbox is on of course when you do this and see if you log in now. To FTP using the latest IE you have to click "Page" and open ftp server.

    This is just another way of doing things and it works for me. Any more advanced than this I don't know if I can help.
  6. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    as above, but easier, get all your information and write it down. I also use Time Warner (Earthlink) on mine with a router.

    Start->Run-> then type CMD
    When the DOS prompt comes up type ipconfig/all
    write down everything it says like
    DHCP enabled
    the ip address
    default gateway
    subnet mask
    DNS addresses

    after that it should be a pretty easy set up, and you really should go through the router if you have any open ports. The set up on your 360 for live will be the exact same as your Xbox for FTP. You can use the exact same info since you will not be using both systems at the same time (on your network)
    both my Xbox and my 360 have the exact same information enetered.

    one other thing, if your router is wireless it may have security enabled. If so you also need this information to set up any device using that network.

    an example of a set up
    PC IP Address
    Xbox should be something like (anything you are not using for another device using your internet like a laptop)
    all other information will match what the ipconfig/all command tells you. The only thing that is different is the IP address.
    Last edited: May 14, 2007
  7. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    edsrouter --> I need to by a standard cable that's why I haven't tried that yet; but I may have to.

    steimy--> Here goes

    Ethernet Controller

    DHCP enabled YES
    autoconfig enabled YES
    IP address
    Subnet Mask
    Default Gateway
    DHCP Server
    DNS Server

    hope this helps somewhat
  8. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    alright, try this then. If you have open ports hook directly to the router.

    Then go to the Xbox and set the dashboard (EvoX or whatever to DHCP and save and exit.
    Then rest the Xbox and see if it fills in all the info for you.
    If not then fill it in manually like this

    This time set it for a static connection
    network enabled YES
    IP address
    Subnet Mask
    Default Gateway
    DHCP Server
    DNS Server

    everything will match except the IP address.
  9. edsrouter

    edsrouter Member

    May 28, 2005
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    Steimy he needs to use a standard cable through the router. I don't know what happens if he uses a crossover cable in the router. I totally forgot about the ipconfig thing. Good thoughts on that by the way. I got to read these forums more.

    Anyway, use your 360 cable that goes into your router. It should be standard.
  10. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    lol good point :)

    just FYI i'm not connection the cross over cable in the router
    just straight to my pc but I'll try with the 360 cable
  11. edsrouter

    edsrouter Member

    May 28, 2005
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    If the 360 cable is going into the router and working then it should be standard. ... and yeah the crossover cable was used without a router.

    Routers are great. You're going to notice a lot less virus's with a router. Hardware based NAT firewalls are so much better than Windows Defender or Sygate or anything software related.
  12. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    edsrouter, actually it depends on your set up. I use a crossover cable. That is what you have to use through a router. When going strait to the PC some say a strait through is what you have to use, but i used a crossover cable for that too. And it has always worked for me. Now i went wireless.

    ethernet cards have given some people problmes with the FTP thing. So if you have open slots in the router i do not see why you do not just plug into it instead.
  13. edsrouter

    edsrouter Member

    May 28, 2005
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    Here's a link that may help you further. I've always heard it was better to use a standard network cable through the router, but here's an article that talks in depth about this problem and it also talks about difference between cables.. so it looks like it's right up your alley in case you still have problems...


    ...and let us know if you get it going -k-?
  14. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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  15. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    thanks guys I'll check this out.

    My router helped me a lot indeed. not only becasue of firewall bu i used to have connection drops with TWC I'd be online and suddenly my connection would become limited so i'd have to restar the PC and reboot the modem.....very frustrating.
    but with the router it hasn't happened once so yay!

    and I'll keep you posted on results

    P.S: just tried with the standard 360 cable and same problem

    SmartFTP says:
    "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  16. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    it is most likely just something small in your settings for either the Xbox or FTP program that is stopping you.

    I prefer to hook through the router for this just because if you want it can be hooked up and set (the xbox) to DHCP and it will just pull all the information it needs from the router when you reset the xbox after it is plugged up. For that you will need the cat5 crossover. Then if it doesn't you can just manually set it.
    Also i assume you did this but you did put a passwork and user name for the xbox in FlashFXP as "xbox" all lower case and no quotes, right?

    try DHCP through the router and see if that works. If not try entering the settings i posted above (still through the router)

    Also you may want to set the PC up for connection sharing.
    there are a few FTP tutorials and a connection sharing tutorial there.
  17. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    OK when I set it to DHCP
    the only thing that changed was the blue IP line that said

    with that the FTP still wouldn't connect.

    So I tried setting it manually like you said and put your settings except I don't see a line in the seetings for DHCP server or DNS server

    I just have 2 DNS lines

    so I changed all I could but still wouldn't work.

    Also just to be clear I don't care about internet connection for my Xbox, I just want to connect it to the PC.

    oh and yes I have login and password setup

    It's really annoying me cause i did it so many times before without any problems............
  18. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    well, if it assigned the ip address ( then the router is doing what it should. Automatically assigning the address and so on. If it did not have a connection or find the Xbox it would not have done that.

    there is not a DHCP server line on the Xbox.
    It should have a set up network option set to yes.
    a static or DHCP option (sometimes just says static with yes or no)
    and you want DHCP as you setting.
    then everything else it should pull from the router.
    and you may want the xbox to have access to the internet if you want to play shoutcast radio on XBMC

    I am not sure what could be stopping the FTP connection. Once it assigned the IP of to the xbox you should just be able to enter that as the connection in FlashFXP with the user and password and connect.
  19. Konuvis

    Konuvis Member

    May 11, 2007
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    yeah that's what I did. I set static to "No" and it found the IP but still didn't connect....
    one thing I noticed.
    when i turn my xbox on with the crossovercbale directly plug in the PC then i have a little connection icon in the windows bar.

    when I go through router with DHCP i don't.

    and i assure you i have no desire to go on Live with my xbox, just my 360...maybe.
  20. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    No, not Xbox Live. Xbox Media Center running shoutcast radio. That has nothing to do with Xbox Live. It is free abd has lots of great stations to choose from. Same thing goes for playing games over free services like Xlink Kai or XBconnect.

    It is just hard to figure what the problem may be. I am sort of hand on so not sitting there seeing what your seeing makes it even harder.
    so, it can get an IP from the router on DHCP, but the PC seems to not be able to connect. Your not running Windows Vista by any chance are you?


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