I had a problem sorting out the bouquets using the bouquet editor in nuetrino sporster 1.73 The box would go through the motions but wouldn't save any changes After doing some reading in the forums I decided to try an editor on my pc and use ftp to update however although I was able to download from and browse the dbox whenever I try to upload or anything that involves writing to the dbox I get error 550 tried various ftp progs same error even in explorer I've also tried disabling my firewall (zonealarm) Any help appreciated
It looks like the flash memory is full. If you filled up the memory with a failed recording attempt there is no space left. Reflash your box with a fresh image and not a backup of the current.
The image is READ ONLY, try & CHMOD 755 to the folder you want to write to. If that doesn't work then download another copy of the image as it may be damaged.
Thanks Guys I've checked memory utilization and it is indeed pretty full I do have failed recordings in the /mnt directory will attempt to reload with a fresh image and advise later on the outcome Thanks Again
Thanx again Flashed with different image sportster v1.7+ uk05 updated bouquets without error and all working ok.