FTP help sometimes works sometimes...not?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by cameronp, Sep 11, 2005.

  1. cameronp

    cameronp Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Hi all,
    I softmodded my xbox and have evo-x on it I am using flash ftp and connecting through a modem. I have connected several times before and succesfully copied halo2 morrowind and splinter cell. Every couple of times it won't connect just times out. I don't understand this. My pc ip is 192.168.101 subnet is gateway is so I followed the tut on here and set xbox to static ip=yes xbox ip= I used to connect the other times)and gateway is I have also tried using ws ftp and smart ftp with same result. the router is connected to small lan between my 2 computers and using the xbox linked to a 3rd outlet on router. Please any help is appreciated.
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Ok first off you should change the option in the Static IP on your Xbox to "NO" not yes. Then your router will asign the IP to the computer and Xbox and it should work. Just get the IP address that the router assigned to the Xbox and use that IP in your FTP program.

    Also your missing numbers from your computer IP 192.168.101? you need more numbers there.

    more then likly you miss typed and forgot the .1 so your IP for your computer probably say's

    if thats the case then change your Xbox ip from to if you dont want the static IP option off.

    but if you choose NO for the static IP option in the network setting in Evox then it(your router) should automaticly assign an IP that will link the computer and Xbox togther.

    The problem that is going on is your Computer IP address is and your Xbox IP is the 2 IPs have to be within range of each other. Which is a 10 digite range 100-109.

    Computer IP is

    The IPS you could choose for Xbox are:

    Notice I didnt list for the Xbox IP cause the computer is on that IP. Now if you have 2 computers hooked up to the router then there is another IP address being used find out what IP address your second computer is using and delete that from the list of IPs your Xbox can use.

    The reason why it is best to choose the option Static IP to "NO" on the evox network options is incase for some reason the router assigns an IP number to the computer that is out of range of the Xbox static IP. If this happens you wont connect cause the IP on the Xbox cant be changed if the static IP option is set to "YES" So the Xbox and computer IPs will be out of range. I bet this is what your problem is why you can connect sometimes and cant other times. The IPs are falling out of range.

    If the option is set to "NO" then the router will bebale to assign and change the IP of the Xbox if and when it changes the IP of the Computer.

    Now once you dissable the sattic IP address on the Evox network options you will have to look at the IP address the router assigned to the Xbox and use that IP to FTP to your Xbox.

    If you then go back later and that IP dosent connect your Xbox then more then likly the router changed the IP and you will have to then use the new IP it has assigned to the Xbox to connect to the PC.

    This rearly happens. I have been FTPing my Xbox for a long time and only once did it change the IP on me. but was simple just turn on the Xbox get the new IP and enter that in your FTP program.

    Understanding this?

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005
  3. cameronp

    cameronp Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    WOW! thanks so much for your prompt and clear and concise answer. I would like to try to keep the static to yes, so I will change the ip. (The reason the router to my lan is in another room and I don't have a long enough cable to reach to see it connected while on tv. I did unplug my pc from the network and moved the router in another room and hooked up and on evox it said the ip addy.) So now I know I can change the ip to what you suggested finding out the second computers ip. A curious question as well, I read in here about setting the ip gateway etc in the lan settings properties from networking on pc including the dns servers and putting all into x box. My network says assign automatically will this affect the static setting on xbox if set to yes? Would I still need to put the static addy in lan settings if xbox static is yes? If this is irrelevant just ignore I will attempt what you advised earlier later tonight after work:( Thanks again so much for helping me with this. I was curious because I like to know as much about everything I am doing as possible for future problems. Thanks again!

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