FTP/ Networking Question??? Ask Here...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by chunkhead, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Ok, I will answer all Xbox FTP/Network questions in this this thread and this thread only. I am a Network Engineer so I have a fair idea about what I'm talking about.

    This thread will be updated frequently until I'm satisfied that it is completely IDIOT proof **With Pics**

    ***IF trying to connect to Xbox LIVE and although mainly based around the 360, please try this tutorial anyway...



    You can access your Xbox’s FTP via the PC using an FTP Client (like FileZilla).

    Be aware, if you are connecting directly to your Xbox from your PC's NIC, you will need a crossover cable

    If you are connecting via a router or switch, you can use a "Straight Through" cable.

    For this section we will be concentrating on a direct connection approach. Should anyone need a further explanation on how to incorporate a switch\router into the equation, feel free to ask, explaining their setup and I'll make a decision on whether to add more to this tutorial.

    Ok, click on Start, Run, then type 'cmd'.

    At the prompt, type 'ipconfig'


    Write down the three numbers that you get and their names. Close CMD.

    We need these numbers to reset to before we started anything, just in case.

    So what do we know... my PC's setup is on the network.

    Settings for 10.1.1.x network

    IP: (My PC)
    Subnet Mask: (Subnet of the network, Class A)
    Default Gateway:

    To make your Xbox talk to this network, it has to be on the 10.1.1.x network. It also must have the same Subnet Mask (


    Your Xbox normally comes configured with the 192.168.x.x network. It's your call as to what network you run it on, it doesn't matter in the end, just as long as they are both on the same one (Xbox-PC).

    Settings for 192.168.x.x network

    IP: (My PC)
    Subnet Mask: (Subnet of the network, Class C)
    Default Gateway:

    We are going to use a Static IP scheme to talk between the network. We use this so we ALWAYS know where the Xbox is and it will ALWAYS work.

    To setup a Static IP address for your PC:

    Start>Control Panel>Network Connections

    Right Click on your 'Local Area Connection', click 'Properties


    Click on 'Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then 'Properties'


    Change to 'Use the following IP address:', and enter one of the two settings from above ( OR into the circled area. Ignore the DNS settings, they're for internet access (We don't need those).


    Ok, your PC is now setup with a Static IP address.

    What about the Xbox?

    Turn on your Xbox, navigate to the network settings screen (We'll use Evox for this example)


    You can clearly see where we are going with this. Yep, you need to simply give the Xbox an IP address on the Network that the PC is on.

    If you chose the setting, give the Xbox
    If you chose the setting, give the Xbox
    Keep the Subnet Mask and default Gateway the same as the PC.

    That's it, they are now on the same network.

    Open FileZilla, see the following guide...
    FileZilla guide (pdf)

    Alternatively, open FlashFXP, Click on the following...

    On the next screen, Enter the following,
    Site Name: My Xbox
    IP Address: The IP address of your Xbox ( or
    User Name: xbox
    Password: xbox


    Click on "Apply', then 'Connect'. If all went well you should see the following screen


    That's it. You can now drag and drop from either site, just like windows explorer.

    Speaking of which, you can also use Windows Explorer instead of FlashFXP (or any other 3rd party Client for that matter).

    How to use Windows Explorer for FTP

    Open Windows Explorer (Windows button + E)

    In the address bar, type ftp://xbox:xbox@IP Address



    That will give you something like this...


    Ask away...

    ***edited by creaky - FlashFXP is crap, and far too many people have problems with it so please use FileZilla (free) instead of FlashFXP**
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2009
  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    If you need to, get this latest version of XBMC

    Follow the instructions from that site on how to install (Just FTP over).

    To get the Xbox to connect to the PC:

    Firstly you need to set up a user account in Win XP as a limited user! Call it "xbox" and give it the password "xbox" (without the quotes).

    Now select the folders you want to share in XP by right clicking on the folder and then click 'Sharing and Security'.

    Click on 'Share this folder', then permissions.


    On the Permissions screen, highlight 'Everyone' and click on remove. Then click 'Add'.

    On this screen, enter 'xbox' and click 'Check Names'. It should show up as '"Your Computers Name"\xbox', click OK.


    If all went well, the front screen should now look like this...


    Click 'Apply' to save the changes. The Folder can now be seen by the Xbox and should look like this...


    All that's left now is to setup the xbox.

    In the XBMC Settings menu,


    Go to 'Network'


    Enable your settings as follows:

    Assignment: Manual (Static)
    IP Address: IP Address you set above in the FTP setup ( or
    Netmask: Address you set above in the FTP setup ( or
    Default Gateway: Address you set above in the FTP setup ( or

    Switch to 'Servers'
    Enable FTP and set your 'Username' and your 'Password' to "xbox" (all lowercase and without the quotes!)

    Switch to 'SMB'and set your 'Username' and your 'Password' to "xbox" (all lowercase and without the quotes!)

    Navigate through the XBMC menus, it should find your computer name and allow you access to the folders you have set permissions for. You can then make shortcuts within XBMC to make finding folders easier!

    Hope this helps!!!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  3. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    If you are asking about troubleshooting issues, please quote which configuration you are running when describing your issue...

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2007
  4. mechie123

    mechie123 Guest

    how do i ftp with a dsl modem do it do it the same the same way as i use a router
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2007
  5. unkfart

    unkfart Member

    Dec 23, 2005
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    how do i network using vista?
  6. J0hnnyga

    J0hnnyga Regular member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    i need some help please. i ftp'd into one of my modded xboxs ( i have 2) and grabbed all the emulators and roms that were on it to my comp and getting ready to update my xbmc but when i try to FTP into my xbox it says this in flashxp

    WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006
    [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
    [R] Connected to
    [R] 220-
    [R] 220----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [R] 220-XBMC:FileZilla version 1.5.6, (based on FileZilla Server 0.8.8)
    [R] 220-
    [R] 220-http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmc/
    [R] 220----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [R] 220

    it looks like it gets in ok but nothing comes up i wait a while then it just auto disconnects.

    i also just noticed on the network settings page and under FTP user name it says none (1/1) and for the life of me i cant figure out how to put something in there...
  7. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    @ mechie123
    What exactly are you trying to do with the modem? Do you want to connect the Xbox to the internet? If so you will need a Switch or Hub to communicate between all devices. You MUST be able to communicate with a PC to set up IP addresses.

    @ unkfart

    I'm afraid you'll have to talk to the Vista guys about that. The principals should be the same, but Vista uses some very new and complex networking infrastructures (eg: IPv6, etc)

    @ J0hnnyga

    How are you planning on updating XBMC? Normally you just open the FTP channel and replace the XBMC folder with the new one. As for the FTP user names, that should be set as 'xbox' and 'xbox'. That screen is in network settings in XBMC.
    Is XBMC your dash or application? If it's an application, you need to configure the network settings (including the FTP username & passwords) in the dash, like EvoX or UnleashX
  8. dsd1977

    dsd1977 Guest

    I tried cmd and this is what came up:
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\david daoud>ipconfig

    Windows IP Configuration

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : vic.optushome.com.au
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::20f:9fff:fec9:da3e%4
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

    Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::ffff:ffff:fffd%6
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    Tunnel adapter 6to4 Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : vic.optushome.com.au
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 2002:dced:94a5::dced:94a5
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 2002:c058:6301::c058:6301

    Tunnel adapter Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : vic.optushome.com.au
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::5efe:
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    C:\Documents and Settings\david daoud>

    i am unclear what ip i should put into my xbox and what static ip i am supposed to put into my pc.
    with the above settingas, what should i do can you tell me please?

    Also i have Ipswich WS_FTP Professional. Would using it rather than FlashFXP pose a problem?
  9. J0hnnyga

    J0hnnyga Regular member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    xbmc is my dash and i checked its none (1/1) and i clicked the arrows next to it. no other options.
    2nd xbmc is my dash and i was planning on updating it by ftping my new xbmc folder in after deleting my previous one.
  10. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    @ dsd1977

    Wow, slightly odd. How can your IP address be external!? What way have you got you computer set up? I noticed you have a vic.optushome.com.au setup, are you on cable or ADSL? What way does your modem connect to your PC? Have you got more then one ethernet port on your computer? Are you using a router\switch?

    @ J0hnnyga

    Ok, I've had a look at what you are talking about and I can see your frustration.

    The file "System\FileZilla Server.xml" has become corrupted. Copy it over again and you're back in business. The easiest way to do this would be to re-install XBMC (Upgrade) via AID v4.0 or use one of the Xbox file editors and copy the file over manually, but I'd use AID!
  11. dsd1977

    dsd1977 Guest

    Chunkhead... I have a broadband cable connection, my modem is connected via usb,i dont know if i have more than one ethernet port but the modem is also connected to my ethernet port also, but when i unplug it from the ethernet port it still works via usb so i think it is not actually being used by the modem. A tech from optus hooked it all up so i dont really know what is going on there. I also thought it was strange when i saw the way my ip was configured. Can uyou help me to figure it out so i can finally ftp my xbox?
  12. dsd1977

    dsd1977 Guest

    O.K. ive had a proper look at my pc. It appears that there was indeed 2 ethernet ports, but one of them seems to have been removed, or placed elsewhere inside th pc maybe??.
    I actually had this computer built for me by a collegue with whom i am no longer in contact with, so i dont know if it has been built to the regular specs of standard pcs, or even if he has mucked it up somewhere. I tried ftp using the ip adress of my pc: and imputing it into my xbox as: I dont know if i was meant to change the last three digits, but i did because in your example you changed the last digits for imput into the xbox.
    I keep getting an error message saying that there is no connection or that the server could not be located. Ive also tried ftp with the 192. ip settings but with the same conclusion. I am tearing out my hair. i have been struggling with this problem for over a week!!
    I have all the programs that i need to backup my games, i went and purchased the crossover cable and an ethernet cable just in case, and i cannot get my stupid xbox to connect with my stupid pc....
  13. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    @ dsd1977

    Ok, lets start simple. Your modem is connected via USB and Ethernet, that's not right. It's either one or the other. If you are saying that you still have internet access after you remove the Ethernet cable, then it's running on USB.

    Right, that leaves the ethernet port on your PC open for us to play with. To directly connect from ethernet port to Xbox, we need a crossover cable.


    Do your cable colours match that when held end to end?

    With that sorted, you need to look at your addresses. The main thing to remember is that the Xbox and PC must be on the same network. That means that the have to have the same Subnet mask (eg: or and also an IP address that matches the subnet mask. I have given the two main IP address ranges above. Stick with one of those.

    Again, follow through from the 'Local Area Connection' step
    , disregarding the 'ipconfig' stage as this is now useless as you weren't using it anyway.

    I'd say that from your 'ipcofig' the LAN 2 is your USB connect and LAN 1 is the disconnected one!
  14. demon91mx

    demon91mx Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    ok so i did everything u said and my flashfxp says that it connects but a few seconds later it disconnects and says connection lost. so wat do i do?
  15. demon91mx

    demon91mx Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    oh yeah one thing i forgat is that im useing a router to connect my xbox not a crossover cable
  16. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    @ demon91mx

    I'll need to know a bit about your setup to help you. What dash are you running? Which router? Have you configured the router for access to the Xbox? How many ports has the router got?

    Here's a pic of my Routers' setup, I have a D-Link 504-T. It's a piece of junk and I use it only as a switch, however it knows all the Static IP addresses.


    With this configured, my PC, Xbox and router are all on the same network. You also need to set the router to be on the same network. My ADSL modem is the Gateway on this network and is configured as Basically just make sure they are all on the same network and they can see each other.

  17. demon91mx

    demon91mx Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    i am useing the evox dash my router is a Linksys model NH1005,V2 but i never intalled it cuz i connected it and it worked fine so idk how to set up the router ip and stuff.umm another question wen i got all the ip info from my computer this is wat came up

    subnet mask= 255.255.2458.0
    Default Gateway

    does that have anything to do with it cuz all i been doin is going to my network propeties and changeing it to match wat said on ur tutorial.
  18. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    @ demon91mx

    There's a lot wrong with you situation. Firstly the NH1005 is not a router, it's a Hub. Hubs are dumb devices, they cannot route or make decisions, they just pass on the information. That will make no difference to our setup! Also the Subnet Mask cannot have a 4 digit number...

    subnet mask= 255.255.2458.0
    Default Gateway

    Also, if you changed the IP settings as I explained, typing 'ipconfig' will show the changes.

    Make the Static changes to the ethernet port on your PC and ensure that the changes are reflected in 'ipconfig'. Then enter the settings in Evox. They WILL find each other.
  19. demon91mx

    demon91mx Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    oops sry i typed the subnet mast wron its but thnxs imma try again and c if it works
  20. dsd1977

    dsd1977 Guest

    Chunkhead, i am sorry for being a pest but i thik i have an idea as to why i cannot ftp to my xbox. I have the evox dash on my xbox, whhen i navigated to the settings screen to input the ip adresses, i noticed a difference to the example of the evox settings screen you posted above. mine is as follows:

    Line StatusNo Link!
    Ethernet MAC Address00.
    Setup NetworkYes
    Use Static IPYes
    IP192.168.0.5(Inputted by me)
    DefaultGateway192.168.0.1(Inputted by me)
    Setup Delay5
    Skip Setup If No Linkyes
    SecurityLock Enabled
    Free Space on C:333.758.464
    Free Space on E:4.803.051.520
    Free Space on F:0
    Free Space on G:0
    Free Space on X:786.300.928
    Free Space on Y:786.300.928
    Free Space on Z:786.300.928
    BIOS VersionEvoD.6
    Kernel Version1.00.4817.01
    Xbox Hardware Info.00000200 A3 D4
    Jump to MS DASHno
    Jump if no linkYes
    24 HourYes
    Swap DateYes
    S.N.T.P Server192.168.0.5
    (i changed the SNTP Server address, i cant remember what it was originally. Will this pose a problem?)
    Video StandardPAL
    Game RegionDefault
    MB Temp100.4F
    CPU Temp128.8F
    HDD TempN/A
    Dash Version+3935
    Auto Launch GamesNo
    Auto Launch DVDNo
    Auto Launch AudioYes
    Use F DriveYes
    Use G DriveYes
    Use Items.txtNo
    Screen Saver10
    Shade Level90
    In Game ResetYes

    Im sorry for putting down everything but i dont know what is the norm or what i am actually looking for. I am hoping you will spot some irregularities that require changing?

    I know it cant be anything else because i have followed every other instruction to the letter regarding setting up an FTP.

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