Hello again. I have sucessfully flashed my Xbox so that a menu pops up saying: X3 Config Live BIOS Tools Disk Tools EEprom Tools Settings Hardware Info. I dont know what do to now. All the Tutorials I've read said something about "FTPing" the Xbox onto your computer and ive tryied that. But It never worked. Also, how do i get a dashbord like evox or avalauncher in my xbox. Its says that I need that 1st before FTPing, but idk how to get one or even if i need one. idk what im doing thats wrong. I dont even know WHAT to do. =( {btw, soorry if im being a noob. Im sorta new =()
Try going into the settings menu and see if it has an IP address listed. From the looks of it, you already have a variant of EvoX installed.