Hi, I had switched to an older router because my most recent one doesn't work. I have stupid wireless on this PC and I am trying to FTP files to another device on my network. I can get it to transfer really slow and Im fine with that, but after a little while the connection will stop and timeout. And I cannot resume the dl and have to start over. It is getting really annoying and I can never finish the transfer. I was wondering if there was a way to resume if the connection times out. I have used FlashFXP and it won't resume. I then tried using FTP on my Internet Explorer browser and it would stop and I couldn't resume. --Thanks
Try using your built in FTP client from the DOS prompt. It sounds like your FTP client is timing out. If you have never used your built in FTP you may read some instructions on it here: http://www.circa.ufl.edu/handouts/networks/ftp.html I hope that will solve the issue.