FTP to xbox and cpu goes to 100%

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by pete66uk, May 6, 2006.

  1. pete66uk

    pete66uk Guest

    I have got an Xbox modded with avalaunch. My pc is connected to my Xbox via an ethernet crossover cable. Now I can see and connect to the xbox and see the entire directory structure and even browse it via FlashFXP or CuteFTp or even smartFTP. But no matter what program I use the CPU usage always shoots up to 100% and I get at most a speed of about 20K.

    If anyone can help it would be very much appreciated - there might even be a drink in it for you!

    I am using fixed IP addresses PC on and xbox on Subnet

    Cheers for anyhelp in advance.
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i dont really know why this would happen what windows are you running??and are you going through a router??
  3. magimech

    magimech Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    have you used flashfxp?
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i think he said he did....
  5. pete66uk

    pete66uk Guest

    thanks for replies.

    I am connected via a crossover cable.
    I am running windows xp SP2.
    I have used flashFXP, SmartFTP, CuteFTP and more.

    I have connected the deveices

    I have setup the connection with and without this gateway on both devices.

    It connects and lets me browse fine to the xbox, but it just sends up the ftp prgram to 100% CPU when I try to opy something accros. If I am lucky it will have a trasnfer speed in the region of 40kb/s.
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    make sure your firewall is off....
  7. pete66uk

    pete66uk Guest

    shutdown zonealarm AND windows firewall.

    Makes no difference.

    Thanks for help - usually best solution is very often the simplest, in this case i'm banging my head on the wall and its starting to hurt!
  8. theridges

    theridges Guest

    try to use the build in ftp that IE or Firefox has and see if it works....

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