FTP troubles. Wont connect to xbox.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by mrmathers, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Hi, I've now got a fully working Duo-X chip installed to my xbox. I've also got EvoX to boot from disk in my xbox.The static IP i set is and this shows up in the blue text at the top of the settings menu in EvoX.
    I've got a crossover cable (100% sure it is crossover) and am using FlashFXP and Terrapin FTP to connect to my xbox.
    I type in the IP address (, username (xbox) and password (xbox) but the connection times out every time. It will not connect to my xbox.
    Does anybody know what the problem is here?
    Apparently I've got past the hardest parts, and this is the easiest. To be honest, this is the part I've had most trouble with (with exception to soldering the top d0) in the entire modification of my xbox.
    I'd really appreciate any help you can give.
    Thanks a lot
  2. big_g-man

    big_g-man Regular member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    i had the exact same problem. i got a program called WinGate but i don't think you'll need that. you will if your computer is not assigning your xbox an IP (which mine wasn't). my static IP was set to just like yours but i used the default gateway which is on mine and it works perfectly.
  3. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Go to your system settings and change the IP to static. After it is confirmed, stay on that screen and try FlashFXP and see. Make sure in FlashFXP the port is 21.
  4. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    hmm...in the settings screen (in Evox) it says my default gateway too is
    Does the Static IP HAVE to be Or is it possible to change it to another number, because I discovered that my computer's IP is nothing like this number.
    What would I need wingate for?

    P.S. Is it possible to change the settings without haveing to keep re-burning the disk, because when I change the settings in EvoX and leave the screen back to the main menu, the settings I changed have gone back to what they were before I changed them
  5. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    [bold]P.S. Is it possible to change the settings without haveing to keep re-burning the disk, because when I change the settings in EvoX and leave the screen back to the main menu, the settings I changed have gone back to what they were before I changed them

    When you change the IP settings to static, and choose yes. Stay at that screen. Don't go back to the main menu.

    Another thing you might be doing wrong. Which IP did you put in FlashFXP to connect? It should be the IP in blue right under "Type" and not the IP under "Use Static IP". Try that and let us know.
  6. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I think I'm so nearly there.
    FlashFXP seems to be doing a lot more now. It actually gets past the username-password stage when connecting.
    This is now what I get:

    It actually connects, but then loses it's connection. Whats that ASCII thing about? Is that the problem? It was with the PASV mode, but I turned that off so now I don't know the problem.
    Again, any help is appreciated.
  7. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Why is your password hidden though? Username and password should be the same (xbox). Besides the fact that when you put the password xbox in all you can see is ****.

    ASCII is a transfer mode, change it to Auto.
  8. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    it has always said pass (hidden).
    Shouldn't it do this?
    when using Terrapin FTP it actually connects to the xbox but i just cannot see the folders. and it complains about some problem with the server when i click to refresh the folders.
    I can connect to XBConnect to play games over the net so I dont know what the problem with this is.
  9. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Did you change the ASCII to "Auto" in FlashFXP?

    One more thing, when you are temporarily connected in FlashFXP, did you see the folders C,D,E,F,X,Y,Z appear on the right side?
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]"For gaming supremacy, there's no power greater than X."[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2004
  10. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    ASCII was already on auto, so dunno what the problem is there.
    No folders were shown at all.

    P.S. I think I may have found the problem. Damn eBuyer! I had a crossover cable, but it broke and I sent it back for a replacement. It seems they may have sent me a patch cable. Are crossover and patch different things? It says cat5e patch along the cable.
    Does the symptoms I have seem to be that of not having a crossover cable, because if so, it seems eBuyer have sent me the wrong cable in replacement.
    Thing is though, is i can connect my PS2 to the net using this cable. I thought it had to be crossover for this to work? (I'm using ICS on my laptop).
  11. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    That's odd that no folders are shown. I have my configurations hooked through a router with ethernet cables, so don't know what you're doing wrong there.

    That's probably the right cable that they sent you in replacement.
  12. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    how do you set it up through a router? I dont know what to do with my situation, so might as well try something else.
    I've got a wireless router that has 1 extra ethernet port and 1 extra USB port. is it possible to connect through this, or does the router have to have 2 ethernet ports?
    I've got all the necessary cables to do this with, just dont know how.
    Thanks again
  13. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Well, personally I don't know if a wireless router is gonna work, which I doubt if it does. I have the router and 4 ethernet ports (exclude uplink) and I have mine set up like this:

    - Cable/DSL modem to router (uplink port)
    - PC #1 to router on ethernet port 1
    - PC #2 to router on ethernet port 2
    - Xbox to router on ethernet port 3
    - PS2 to router on ethernet port 4

    It's a lot of mess cuz there are 5 wires, but it gets the job done.
  14. SeaRay729

    SeaRay729 Guest

    Kind of wondering how you were set up? But to the point, I would hook up the router to your DSL or cable modem (appropriate patch cord and port of course) and set everything on your home network to DHCP (assuming the router is setup to do DHCP). Then attach those components to your router (PCs, xboxes, etc)

    The cable from the xbox and other PCs to the router should be a standard patch cable (not a cross-over cable(there is a big difference)). From the DSL or cable modem to the router could either be a standard patch cable or a cross-over cable depending on your situation (hopefully it is currently working and not an issue). Otherwise, post model and I will try to help. Different manufactures have different configurations, for example some have switches on the router that change the uplink port to cross-over or not.
  15. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    well i've now got an ethernet crossover cable, but having the same problems as before.
    I think the problem may be with my computer. It says:
    "425 Can't open data connection to [my PC IP]
    Connection lost: [xbox IP]"

    At no point in any of this do i see any files. I have also disabled pasv mode.
    Any help?
  16. daemonzx6

    daemonzx6 Regular member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    just a note on the patch/crossover thing

    crossover cables are used to directly link two systems together, while patch cables are used to connect to router ports (ie. port 1, 2, 3...) in this situation a single crossover cable connects to an uplink port

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