Funny Goings On

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by phoxxy, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. phoxxy

    phoxxy Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    I am new to this lark and am experiencing problems. I have an AMD3000, 1Gb RAM, 256Mb Grafix, 8x Maxtor Dual DVD Writer, DVD Decrypter, DVD2ONE, DVD Shrink, CLONEDVD & NERO I can RIP a movie, shrink a movie but for some reason all i can burn is coasters. I have checked many websites for burning instructions using nero and Clone but still all I burn is coasters. I am able to copy a copy but when it comes to backing up an original disk I experience these problems. I have used NERO more than any other program so far. I go to Nero Burning Rom SE and select DVD Video. From there I drop my VOB & BUP files into the VIDEO_TS folder. When I click burn I disable 'Check Maximum Speed' and the 'Finalize Disk' button is checked but greyed out. The disk burns with no reported errors but when I put the finished disk in my standalone (or 3 others i have tried) they all say 'NO DISK' but like i said earlier I am able to copy copies. So far i've wasted about 15 DVD+Rs (Bulkpaq Gen4 4x). My DVD Player will also not recognise disks created by Clone. Also copies of copies created in CLONE skip like F**K as Ive read many places before. ANY information would be a huge help. CHEERS
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It seems you've got the methods in good order. There are a couple things I'd suggest though. One would be to update Nero to the latest version since the version you're running is known to be buggy.

    The other would be to try different media such as Ritek G04, Verbatim Metal AZO, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden. I'm guessing you're from the U.K. so you may want to cruise through our DVD Media forum to see what the good brands are over there :)

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