Funny songs from Italy

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by snifr, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. snifr

    snifr Guest

    Hello all.
    Sorry if i have placed this thread wrong but could'nt find an other better place.

    To topic, i have been on holiday in Italy were i heard 3 funny songs i would like if someone now the artist and name of the song.

    One of them is about a crocodile. Something they are singing about how animals are screaming, but they are most singing: il/el crocodile, its a girl who are singing i think.

    Next song, are they singing: "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight" sometimes but there is'nt so much song in it's mind a bit og techno, but not sure.

    The last one are they singins something with: Who who who is fido in the first and last refrain.

    Number 1 and 2 i defenitly think is ialien songs and think it's more child songs.
    If someone could help me it would be nice :)
  2. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    So you don't remember the name of the group or the song huh?

    You could try one of those lyrics websites and just search it(the lyrics).I never heard those songs so I can't comment as to who made them or whatever.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2006
  3. Darkhadou

    Darkhadou Regular member

    Dec 31, 2004
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    I doubt this will help for Italian songs but it's worth a shot- (use your spacebar to tap in the rythm of the song)
  4. snifr

    snifr Guest

    Ok, thnaks i will try that.

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