what I'd like to do: find an efficient way of creating a more compressed copy of about 500cds worth of songs currently in mp3 at 320k. my dream would be to be able to point some compression software at the existing directory/subdirectories and have it create another set of files somewhere else compressed to 128 or 192. background: I've recently gone through a process of ripping all of my cds (about 500) using EAC + LAME. I used the highest available compression quality since I'm hoping to never have to take my actual cds out of storage again. But for my mp3 player it would be handy to have a set of all of these songs at a smaller/lower compression since I can't tell the quality difference on my mp3 player anyway and I could store a lot more songs. I've got several 200g drives so disk space is not an issue.
Sound Editor Program such as Sound Forge --- Goldwave etc... have what you call a resampling feature where you can load each Mp3@ 320 and save them @ 128 !! Google your way to Goldwave it's available as a Free Tral.
Thank you for the tip. I took your suggestion but I haven't figure out how to use goldwave to do a mass copy. I probably should have been clearer from the outset. Right now I have about 13,000 (all from purchased cds in case anybody's watching (!)) tracks within a 'my music' directory; beneath that I've got a directory for each artist and then within each of those a directory for each album. The files of course are in the album directory. What I'd like to be able to do effectively is to recreate that entire structure under some other directory, say, 'my music compressed' in which there would subdirectories for each artist and then for each album and then a a compressed copy of each mp3 file within that. You can almost do this with EAC. It does let you point at a whole mass of WAV files and then it will compress them into mp3s and create directories/subdirectories/filenames according to rules one specifies. Sadly for me you can't seem to do this process starting with an MP3 file.
Now that you have Goldwave -- !! Click Help --> Contents --> How To ---> Convert files from one format or type to another. You will find the [bold]Batch Processing[/bold] -- set everything up the way you want it and it will make things easier for you. The Batch Processing command is under the FILE Menu. Now that is a collection, you have !! Regards Edited for Typo.. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper ![/small]