For some reason my Xbox is not recognizing the games that I have on my G: drive. I am able to store games on there but when I want to play them I must transfer them over to my F: drive. Any idea on how I can change this? In Avalunch, I "Enabled" the G: drive and in Evolution, I click changed "Use G Drive" to "Yes". Suggestions?
Okay good, I was just making sure, now this could be a daahboard error, but it sound more like a bios error, Are you using Evox or one of the Xecutor bios options?
this is a easy fix if you have evox then edit the .ini file so it will recognize the games on your G drive because right now it is just looking in the F and E......if you have unleashx then do the same to the config.xml file....just ftp them to your pc and edit them and then ftp them back....
i hate to be such a newbie... but do I do this with flashfxp? and which file do i edit and where is it?
yes you will need to use flashfxp the file should be in the E Folder just ftp it to your desktop and open it in notepad......