I was using it today and suddenly there were no NDS games i could choose, so i figure no problem come back and reload them but i cant delete or add any files to it anymore. everything in the ds directory was gibberish. G6 cant load files, and i cant do anything from windows explorer either. Any ideas? And how would I go about getting a replacement? Is G6 any good at all with replacing products?
G6 is the same team as M3. They have a one year warranty on the entire unit. You would have ot e-mail info AT g6flash DOT com in order to get their shipping address (in hong kong) to send it back to them. They will then send you one, most likely they will pay for shipping. Any chance you could try just formatting the drive? It acts like a USB drive if i'm not mistaken.. so if you just wipe it maybe itll fix itself?
use chkdsk first then try a defrag, the same thing happened to mine when I filled it to the max and a couple of games crashed, try chkdsk /f x (x being the letter of your drive) under run on your comp Also, does ANYONE know or think they can find a way for me to organise the ds titles on my g6 lite, I'd like to have them in a specific order. Is there a utility or method??
On the disk that you got with your G6 Lite should be some tools that can format the G6 Lite. It's in the Maintenance folder and it's called MPutility. Just leave all the settings as they are and click OK, that should fix any problems.