For some time now I've been trying to update the firmware on my G6 real from V1.2 to whatever the current version because i hear they've included a dldi autopatcher... I downloaded the "English V4.8" update from their site (on the site the link to download V4.9e leads you to download V.48) but you need to boot the ds in gba mode to run the update. The text file says to click "y" at the main menu to do this but this is only adjusting my screens brightness. -So I guess what I'm asking if you need to boot it in gba mode to update it and if so how ...Sorry if this was already answered somewhere
Wrong update 2.7d is the latest G6 Real loader, the one you have downloaded is for the slot-2 G6 range. Download the latest loader from here All you need to do is replace the SYSTEM folder with the one in the download.
wow... thanks Thats a lot simpler than i expected I take it you just have to place homebrew in the system folder for it to be patched?