Have any 1 try burning the boot cd susefull i downloaded but i did not work is there any special way to burn it??i burn it how it said at 1X did i miss something...
You must be new. The Gamecube reads a barcode that is on each CD, the boot cd will never work because your DVD , or any Retail DVD, burner cannot burn the barcode. Only way to play a backup is to run a .dol file such as anaconda or GCOS V1.4, a BBA and PSO
open that bootCD image and look with notepad some of files and you see at first lines something like "PS-X...blah blah...sony corporation.." so it's a fake.
it's a fake indeed. I'm so lucky I could try it in a PSX (my bro's) and so I did. I popped it in the PSX and it booted! It's a PSX bootdisc and not a GC. I have been following the bootdisc since I heard about it.
Hm, Id say that is quite useful, but I have a psone emulator on my PC, and a plugin PSX controller W. rumble!!! So its kinda pointless for me, however, do you know if theres a DreamCast boot disc floating around? Cos Id love to play copied games on me old DC....
There is always someone who finds something about that bootCD and makes new topic about that. I have a modchip in my Playstation, so i dont need boot disc=) that modchip is only one chip with 8 pins that can be get from nearest electronics store, i wish GC would have that kind too..=)
where does a Dreamcast bootdisc fit in? We were talking about the GC bootdisc that actually is a PSX bootdisc. Please explain why you asked about the DC disc
we were talking about GC boot disc, which is fake... and its a PSX bootdisc which is useless really, I was wondering if anyone had a DC bootdisc, which I need
we were talking about GC boot disc, which is fake... and its a PSX bootdisc which is useless really, I was wondering if anyone had a DC bootdisc, which I need
It's the same FAKE booter that been talked about and posted here before. It's FAKE, it doesn't work, it's not real, it's a crock. Doesn't matter how many times people want to bring it up, it's still fake, doesn't work, not real and a crock. #1: There is no GC boot disc. #2: The GC can not read CD's. Everyone needs to stop falling for this and more importantly, stop posting it.