was wandering if n e one can help me? i have a jetway n2pap ultra motherboard, 512 ram, radeon 9550 256mb graphics card with a amd xp 3200+ cpu. my problem is that when i run at 3200 while playing a game (like call of duty or doom3 for eg)it either freezes or comes up with error. i can do n e thing else and i dont have a prob.. if i run at 2500 i can play the games with no probs at all. no freezing no errors..im abit unsure of changing things so i havent tried n e thing as yet.. thanks
Hey! What error are you getting? Do you get info from log files/event viewer? What is the speed of your ram?
hey! well since im only running at 2500 i have got the error so i cant tell you.. and as for the log files well i did have a look once not that i knew what it was saying tho.. and at the moment my ram speed is 333.. i will have 400mhz in soon.. jo
Hey! Try running a memory diagnostic like memtest86. Is you memory manufacturer compatible with the motherboard? get memtest86 here http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4226.html
hey thanks. just wandering if there is a way to check temps etc with out restarting and going into the bios as that is the only way i know how to do it.. or is it the only way????
hey thanks praetor, i downloaded mbm5 today. not quite sure what im looking at here but temps being case 27, sensor being 3.0 or 30 im not sure bout that one and cpu 35 degrees celcius. i had a game of doom3 before and after closing down the game the cpu went up to 43. now after 5mins its gone back down to 35. is this what you were talking about earlier???? and if so my fiance' had sugested a bigger cpu fan last week but we werent sure. do you think this might fix the problem? is this the problem do you think?????? over heating of the cpu that it shuts the games down????? thanks jo
oh and by the way ive changed my ram from 512/333mhz to 512/400mhz and im still running at 2500 not 3200 which is what my cpu is sposed to run at. thanks