you are probaly using xiso to make iso of game. DONT!!! you must use isocraxtion. it will patch all files that need to be patched. you can download it from site in next reply scroll down a little and you will see craxtion and download after explanation. click word download you must be using win 2k or lower to use program does not work with xp
u must use isocraxtion. i have never had a problem since i began using the application. i use it on windows xp with no problems. i had the same problem you were having where the game would boot you back to the dashboard. i had to not only patch the default.xbe but any other .xbe files that were in the root directory. try that and let me know if it worked.
well then i have a question what version of craxtion works with xp cause the one i have even says its only campatible with 2k and lower. Where do i find this version
I am using ISOcraxtion v3.1 with GDFImage on windows XP SP1 build 2600 and it works great! You can find it on the web just look hard; it’s out there!……..It’s ALL out there!……Just waiting for you!
I do have ISOcraxtion version 3.1 and i had same version of xp and did not work when i load 2k and run craxtion it works fine. Any idea why it wouldn't work on xp?
when you run the application, does it tell you that it cannot load because xxxxx.ocx file is missing? if so, go on google and look for that particular file and save it in your c:\windows\system32 folder.
Thats strange, though I have had some games not work then I change the media +R to -R then they work, and there was times where I just re-burned and they worked the second time around, could be your DVD-ROM in the x-box.