I recently installed the ipod software and when it imported my music it also imported about 4000 3 to 10 second sounds from all the PC games I have. Does anyone know how I can clear them off? ---zen-->
i recommend using the ipod software installed in your computer to restore your ipod. go to -start -all programs -ipod -ipod updater. then hook up your ipod and press restore. then next time only import the songs you want on you pod. make sure your game sounds are segregated from your music folder.
OK I went to my music folder. All my music is in there but none of the files in there have those noises. It must be importing them from somewhere else, should I just watch and see where it gets them from and try to stop it from importing all those from there? Can you tell it not to get certain files, I wonder?
right click one of the 'noises' and click 'get info'. then you can locate the problem folder and sort it. Lethal
Expanding on what yamumma said... You could clear all of your songs from your iTunes library, then find the folder with all of your music in it, and tell it to import that specific folder. [File ==> Add Folder To Library] Just make sure before you add that folder that it doesn't have your game sounds in it.
I think this person may have done a full HDD scan for all audio files. I encourage everyone here never to do that, as not every audio file is necessarily your music.
Yeah, I appreciate all the response today. But this problem was taken care of back in October of last year. Thanks anyhow ---zen--->