Game Problems-Stronghold 2. Please help

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Nova101, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. Nova101

    Nova101 Member

    Nov 11, 2005
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    I have recently downloaded stronghold 2 from It downloaded fine and installed fine using Daemon tools to create a vertual CD-DVD Drive, but when i go to play it, it dispplays an error message that goes something like...'please remove the current disc and replace it with "stronghold 2 disc 2" disc into the CD-DVD drive E:.'

    i dont know what to do. i have tried to download a crack but cant find one anyware...please help.
  2. chromesn

    chromesn Guest

    i'd suggest finding a torrent website that has a forum to ask:
    no one here is going to help you do anything illegal.

    good luck

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