I recently acquired an M3 Simply and a M3 Perfect Lite Micro SD to give my DS both DS roms and GBA roms functionality. My other half told me that she has a gameboy advance. The old model, not the SP model. My querry is this: will my M3 Perfect Lite with Micro SD work in her gameboy advance? They shipped a larger shell with the M3 so I assume that it was meant to be used in this manner. Earlier tonight, we tried to fit the M3 Lite in the GBA and by golly, we barely managed to get it outta there since it was an almost airtight fit. We couldn't get the GBA to detect the cartridge, either, which prompts me to think that I may need a different firmware update. Either that or the Lite cartridge was just too small to make contact. In any case, any help would be greatly appreciated and I apologize if this same question has already been asked. Thank you for your time.
i tried it on my original version gba; m3 firmware v.31(newest). worked great ^_^. when you have it plugged into the ds with the simply, select "boot slot-2", when you get there, press start (boots in gba mode). [ORRR, boot the ds with ~just~ the m3 lite in and select gba.] it's in full gba mode at this point. is it working now? if so, it should work with your gba. my lite was tested on the gba first chance i got (the gba's great). and yeah... it is kinda airtight. when you put it in the gba shell, make sure the contacts are... well... like on a real gba cart. it ~should work~.