GameCube Full Size Dvd-R mods

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by L-Burna, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Hey wats up I did the full size dvd-r mod to my cube,which was rough for me without using a dremmel.I don't think anyone would have a problem doing this mod,except to make sure you have a dremmel for this project.I broke the jewel that covers the power LED,but nothing crucial (mainly my fault by the way,wasn't taking my time and snapped it while grinding it down).

    Here are some pics of my cube when I was done,these are the old pics of my cube.I upgraded my switch by replacing the super glue I was using with a bolt and washer to secure it better,and will supply pics of that as soon as possible:

    First Pic

    Second Pic

    Third Pic

    It still looks rough,haven't found my dremmel and am going to get a new dremmel soon if I can't find the one I have.Let me know what you think,I used one of the methods off of
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2005
  2. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Oh and the jewel on my cube is going to be replaced real soon with a laser etched jewel.I am just waiting for the option to customize jewels at the moment.I was planning on painting it awhile ago,but things came up and I ended up leaving it all funky looking.
  3. Keji

    Keji Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    I'd much rather buy a replacement case. xD
    Also, could you explain to me the benefits of being able to use full sized DVDR media on a cube in the first place? Can you burn and boot from those or something? o_O;
  4. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    Ha! More like hentai is for losers who cant find real girls, there thats more like it.
  5. Keji

    Keji Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    How witty, I bet nobody's ever thought of that one before.

    Can anybody answer the question at hand maybe? :(
  6. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    read before you write and your question will be answered.
  7. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    A replacement case for full size Dvd-R mods probably won't come out for a long time.That is why I did it,besides full size Dvd-R media is cheaper and runs alot better than mini dvd-r media.Your chances of booting from full size Dvd-R media are alot better than mini discs.

    At the top of this post and,yes you can burn to full size media boot and play the games.The benefits would be to save money on dvd media,but if you do buy a replacement top anyways.What would you do with your old top,you can't use two tops at once am I right.All I did was do modifications to the top,nothing else on the system was touched.
  8. Keji

    Keji Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    Thanks a lot!

    By the way, I was referring to from the makers of (I assume)It doesn't look that far off to me, plus I think it comes with a free gamebit. xD

    I wouldn't mind just putting the old case somewhere off to the side just in case, you only need one case anyway.. but maybe that's just me. Besides, i'd never be able to get it looking factory done myself and i'm picky about imperfections. :\

    Sorry if my question was answered before I asked, but I diddn't and still don't see it anywhere before my question, so oh well.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2005
  9. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    actually team xtender are releasing their full size gamecube lid at the end of march as well l-burna, so its not too far off
  10. ssjowowo

    ssjowowo Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    yeah..can't wait to see what team xtender have for us. their xcm pstwo cases are amazing! they state that they are going to include leds as well so they have to be at least spectacular!
  11. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Yeah I know I can't wait either,the full size mod I did is only temporary.It doesn't look good or bad,but it works for playing full size dvd-r.I will just replace my old top that I modified with one from either extender or replacement lids when they are available,but for right now I guess we have to wait.I am not sure if it will be available by the end of March,but you never know right they could delay because of manufactoring purpose.
  12. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    Hm, thats what their press release said... but might be delayed i geuss
  13. backey

    backey Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    I have a question. If you trim the full size dvdr game to the size of mini one, will it boot??

  14. backey

    backey Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    I mean cutting it using scissors or something.
  15. ssjowowo

    ssjowowo Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    this has been discussed earlier. try searching through previous posts. the problem is that you have to be very careful as the reflecting part(where the data is stored)is sandwiched between two layers of plastic, and if you are not carefull, that layer might be distroyed and become unreadable
  16. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    To do that safely you need a Dremel tool and a cd player to keep the disc spinning while you cut round... its the only safe way to do it
  17. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    erhhhh...doesn't that make the disc not level though,making it spin awkward.It is probably better to just buy the mini discs rather than cut the discs.If the disc is not level it will wobble and will have a harder time reading right.
  18. mrunix

    mrunix Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Why Don't you Noobs buy the DVDR mod case?

    - Dont need to cut and f*** up your original Nintendo case

    - Dont need to cut DVDRs or messing up your laser

    - No need noob questions more in this Thread

    1) Use Action Replay (AR) and an original Nintendo Memory card (doesnt mather if its 59 or 251) then use Phantasy star online 1+2 Hack to get the gcos 1.4 or higher on your memory cart (follow instructions on google) Phantasy star also called PSO. (the PLUS version and PSO3 dont work .. PSO3 Japanese works very well) GCOS is an boot tool to choose what you want to do with the program. It has an option to boot DVDR backups and so on.

    2) What to do if you dont have PSO and No Action Replay?

    You can use MAXDRIVE PRO package. Wich included with an special boot cd (just like AR) its included with an USB memory card so you can connect it to your PC and upload the GCOS or other boot loader data onto it.

    3) Use the SD card trick. Wich will work in combination with AR to load the bootloader (Use this if PSO is hard to find or if you loses your bids on ebay)

    4) Boot the bootloader with BroadBand and PSO everytime (wich sucks)

    Sooooo ... this info should help for noobs now let i put a little Guide together now we understanding every shortcut. THIS IS THE BEST METHODE EVER!

    1) Buy an FULL DVDR MOD CASE

    NOTE: read forums and contact people for more info. They will sell it if you are good looking to it. I bought my from the Netherlands for 12 EURO.

    2) Buy FULL SIZE or MINI SIZE Ritek Media code cds. So it could be every bracnhemerk it doesnt mather as long as it says RITEKG04 or RITEKG05

    NOTE: if you are using FULL size dvdrs (wich are cheaper) then you should buy RIDISC (wich is automatically RITEKG04

    People say buy the mini TraxData .. well its RITEKG04 but maybe an other time its an other media code you will never know so if you are using windows then check every media code with the program


    3) Burn GCM files or rename GCM files to NRG or ISO and burn it with Nero 6.x.x.x (NOT THE EXPRESS) and choose FINALIZE DISC. Write speed should be 4x but some people say that 2x works on there gamecube so anyway just burn this m.f*

    4) buy MAXDRIVE PRO wich will ship with boot cd and special USB memory card. DO NOT BUY ACTION REPLAY with MAXDRIVE. Because you will never know wich boot cd you will get. Its random. So buy only the MAXDRIVE PRO wich would be the cheapest version of the mod trick

    (no need PSO, no need BBA, no need AR)

    5) now get your self an copy of the GCOS 1.4 or higher and put it via USB on your MAX DRIVE USB Card

    6) While your gamecube is modded with the DVDR mod case and you burned nice with the RIDISC RITEKG04 with nero and got the GCOS bootloader on the memory card, You are way to go!!!

    NOTE: before you can use the DVDR trick you MUST have an original game before to do this. Because the boot loader needs to read some data off the original gamecube disc. You may can try the max drive boot cd to use it as an gamedisc but i dunno if its working. I got mine working with many many ways.

    SD, AR, PSO, BBA and so on.

    Goodluck and i hope to get rid off 50% noobs around here with my tutor
  19. joe33333

    joe33333 Guest

    Mrunix, looks like you're still a newb (as am I) so I wouldn't be talking. Plus the reason he didn't get the case yet is because it hasn't been shipped, won't be until at least the end of the month. Also, if you had of read the whole thread you would know that they discussed using mini-dvd-r's, someone simply had a question about trimming full size dvd's. Third, If you get the Viper GC mod it is a lot easier than using the whole broadband thing. Plus most people don't have their routers or HUB's right next to their living room TV. Stop bitching at people for asking questions, that's what a forum is for, if you don't like it, LEAVE.
  20. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    lol - that's some of the funniest sh*t I've heard in a while.

    joe33333, leave him be. This guy deserves icon status here at afterdawn. He is a true inspiration to us all:)

    I for one am no longer a noob now that I read that post.

    thank you mrunix, you have saved the GC community here with your brilliance.

    Everyone, bow before him. We shall make him our new leader;)

    [bold]mrunix, bring forth your golden gamecube and deliver us to the promised land.[/bold]
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2005

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