tommosen latasin ja aattelin kokeilla,ensiksi käskettiin polttamaan se tiedosto CD:lle,sen tein sitten siellä on kaikennäköistä,eli ei siis ole mitään hajua mistä siellä aloittaa/mitä tehdä?
laittomasta en osaa sanoa onko vai ei. Tässä tietoa,suomentaa en jaksanut With the first load in the system there will be only 16 processes, butwithout the loss of functionality. Are included on renovations until 19December 2006, DirectX 9.0c in December, several useful utilities forgamers and the set of play visual styles for the working table of playtematics. 16 processes with full functionality. Default theme at startup.Added ryans update pack December 19 2006. 5 star game Copy is your safety net for creating working backups of your game CDs and DVDs! It seamlessly combines powerful and sophisticated "Under-the-hood" technology with an incredibly easy to use interface.Screenshot5-Star GameCopy integrates several varied backup techniques into a single piece of software, which manages to copy even those discs that other programs simply cannot.It can copy and/or emulate all major copy protection techniques, even the trickier methods such as VOB Protect CD, StarForce 1 & 2, the latest SafeDisc and Securecom up to version 5, as well as copying DVDs, including PS2 (the PSX 2 will require a modchip, however). With support for Dual-Layer and Double Layer DVDs.5-Star GameCopy also offers and integrated copy protection scanner and support for the famous DPM, RMPS, and RAW Copy modes. Just one of its exclusive features is the integrated game launcher, allowing you to play copy-protected games without having the disc in the drive, and without modifying the game files at all, such as a "No CD" crack might. Some other outstanding features include: * An "Advanced Copy" dialog, which allows you to change or add files while in 1:1 (direct) copy mode. * An integrated copy protection scanner. * An Intelligent Copy Mechanism, including DPM Mode?, fast skipping of damaged sectors, EFM optimization to copy 'weak' sectors and RAW Copy Mode?. * HideATIP, which prevents the game from detecting that the disc is a copy. * Image splitting * One included virtual drive, with wide support for an alternative third-party drive instead. * Multiple Image Archiving: Since most discs are only really used during installation, a lot of space is wasted in storing them on the hard drive. With this feature, you can store several games on a single DVD as well as other files, such as updates/patches and serials, effortlessly. You can even launch or install directly from the archives! GameBoost sets the standard for PC and internet optimizing software. Based off of our GameGain and Throttle products; GameBoost increases overall speed and squeezes out every last bit of performance your computer and internet connection is capable of. Very easy to use, fully compliant with all versions of Microsoft ? Windows and adjusts itself to your computer specifications. Take your existing PC and internet connection to new levels to run games faster. Bring your gaming to the next level. GameBoost Details and Features Makes direct changes to system registry and system files to enhance memory, screen drawing, animations, refresh rates, cpu threading speeds, internet speed.Automatically adjusts settings and changes made based on computer and internet specifications, complete fault tolerance system implemented.Proven technology which can double the frames per second rate in games such as id Software's ? DOOM 3 and similar shooters.Deep system analyzer and diagnostic features which attempt to find and repair any potential problems with the computer affecting its performance.Advanced software based over-clocking features to enhance memory, cpu priorities and internet connection.Easy and intuitive user interface which performs all setting changes immediately.
5 star game Copy kyseessä. Oli demoversio koneella ja totesin täysin turhaksi. Tekee peleistä pelattavia ilman levyä eli periaatteessa "no-cd" ohjelmisto. Suosittelen, että katsoisit edes mitä olet lataamassa ennenkuin lataat. Ei noin uusavuton voi olla! Jos laillinen versio, niin mukana tuli varmaan se manuaali tms. Mikset tarkista sieltä? Vai jäikö se manuaali sinne jonnekin bittiavaruuteen?
latasin ihan sen takia,kun joku kaveri kertoi että tuolla saattaisi saada kaiken tehon irti koneesta ja jopa parempa fps:ää.
Niinhän se GameBoost tuossa lupailee, mutten itse kovin suurta eroa usko olevan, jos sulla Windows on puhdas eikä pelaamisen aikana mitään turhaa päällä. Kokeilemallahan se selviää joo.... Kerran sen jo poltit cd:lle, niin varmaan se pitäisi asentaa seuraavaksi?
Tuskin tuo enempää tehoja ottaa irti koneesta. Siitä vaan on karsittu kaikki "ylimääräiset" XP:n prosessit ja tungettu mukaan jotain omia prosesseja, jotka parantavat(?) pelien pyörimistä. Ja kyseessähän on siis custom-Windows, joka on tietenkin laiton, koska se on tehty ilman lupaa Microsoftin tuotteesta, joten täältä et tule apuja saamaan. Sama koskee myös muita custom-Windowsseja.