games file not all .rar

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by beeli, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. beeli

    beeli Guest


    I have just finished downloading a playstatin 2 game. I just came to extracting the files to make the image what i can burn and ive looked and there is around 40 .rar files with the winrar icon beside them but there is another 3 files which are the same size as the others but havent got the winrar icon beside them. Im in two minds what to do because if i burn it now it may not work because those three files were surposed to be burnt but if i dont burn it i dunno were to go.

    can someone please give me some advise please

  2. paul1085

    paul1085 Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Just right click and extract the first file only and this will act as a prompt to extract all other ones.

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