I bought an M3 Real and a Crimson DS a couple of months ago. Everything worked fine for a couple of months, then I was playing a game and it just froze. The screen still had the game on it, but it was totally unresponsive. After that, the Crimson DS either wouldn't recognise the card ("No game in DS slot"), or the card would load and then freeze after a couple of minutes, either during a game, or while I was still in the launcher program. Its happened on a variety of games, all of which worked fine before. So, I tried the M3 Real in an old phat DS and everything worked fine. So I'm thinking its a problem with the new DS... BUT... then I put the M3Real back in the Crimson DS and it also works fine, and does so for several says before it happens again. This exact series of events has happened 3 times now. Anybody have any idea what's going on?
Well, you could take two steps to help you out. Try deleting the SYSTEM folder on the card and then replacing it. Afterward, try blowing out the card slot on the DS. I remember my card freezing and this was how I fixed it.
Some more useful information: Before trying the card in the phat DS, I always tried just taking it out of the Crimson and putting it back in a few times, so its not just a matter of the card needing to be re-seated. Also, this last time, when I put it in the phat DS it worked, but I'm still having problems with it in the Crimson. So the phat DS is no longer a magic solution. Yeah, I tried blowing on everything and at one point I wiped out the card and putting everything back on from scratch. It worked for a while, then started locking up again, so its not really a solution.
Oh also, TopHat, could you tell me what kind of DS you're using? And are you using the GBA Expansion pak by any chance? Seems like my problem started shortly after I started using it. But just taking it out hasn't helped.
I'm wondering what your problem really is. Its odd. All DS' should function the same way without anything being changed in them. I'm using a black DS Lite. I'm using the GBA expansion pack too, but my DS is fine. Th problem could either be the card to your DS, although your DS being the problem is very unlikely. In my opinion, I think its your card. If it worked in your old DS and DS Lite, but freezes up on both, then it would dhow that your DS' are fine. Have you tried the card in a different DS?
No, it never freezes on the phat DS. Only on the Crimson. I formatted the card and copied everything back and it seems to be working fine on the Crimson... for now, at least. I have been having problems with my card readers lately, so it's possible that somethings going wrong during file transfers and its messing up my micro-SD.
That also seems like a high possibility. Are you using the card reader included with the M3 DS Real? Because mine got fried somehow and doesn't work anymore and caused trouble with my mcroSDHC card.
No, I don't, but I did get this file that I couldn't delete the wouldn't let me update the firmware. It was 1 byte and was called system.dat or something. I had to copy the entire card onto my desktop and format the card with new firmware. Since then. its worked great. That may be what you need to do, even though you've said you reformatted your card multiple times. That file may be causing your problem.
it could be a bad firmware release, firmware 3.0 for example had a file system error and froze while loading homebrew, other than that get it replaced it could quite well be the flash card they do become faulty now and them, email you retailer to see if the warranty is not void.
I think I've fixed it. Seems that I had 2 problems. One is that my card reader was corrupting the data on my card, so I'm using a different reader now. The other is that the card is losing contact with the DS, so I wedged a piece of cardboard into the slot. Hopefully this keeps working.