hi guys im dn loading eur and us games for nds on r4i gold and they are showing on micro sd some show when i open the games on 3ds or dsi and others but they wont load and some dont even come up on screen any ideas guys
Sorry, i dont understand your questions very well. if your r4i gold is from r4ids.cn, the coreect firmware is wood V1.37 now, is there any firmware named V1.5 ....more details pls
what is the official site you downlaoed from ? is it r4ids.cn is your r4 card this one: http://www.digitopz.com/r4i-gold-3ds-flashcard-for-nintendo-3ds-p-216.html
my r4 card is r4i gold plus 3ds/dsi/ll/xl/dsl/ds i dn load from r4ids.com i will have alook at the site you are talking about and try that thx for replying driving me potty at mo i bought it from snipe a deal.com
There's aparently more than one kind of r4i gold and each requires different firmware (found this out the hard way). Does your say www.r4i-gold.com on it? If so that's NOT the wood supported one, go to that website to download firmware.