games x copy by 321 studios

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by woof811, Mar 13, 2004.

  1. woof811

    woof811 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    has anyone tried games x copy from 321 studios , it backs up pc games , ive not got the software as yet but iff anyone has tried it a little feedback would be gratefull , thanks .
  2. fludo10

    fludo10 Guest

    I just bought this software online.It appears to copy ok, but when you try to run the game from the copy you get zilch.
    Answers please.
    Or is this a rip off.
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    - Gonna need a LOT more details that we've got so far i.e., burner make/model, example of some games that didnt work, ASPI versions, etc
  4. fludo10

    fludo10 Guest

    sorry for the delay -- iv'e been away.
    I have a 1.8 gig athlon xp.And 1 gig of dimms memmory.
    My burner is a Sony Dru 500.And I have downloaded the latest aspi drivers and tried 2 more times to copy medal of honour allied assault.
    The game copies to the hard drive and I can actually play it from thae virtual drive without the original disc.
    When i try it with the copied disc, I get to the menu screen and press play and all i get is the title screen.
  5. fludo10

    fludo10 Guest

    Another development.
    I just copied Hidden and Dangerous.
    The copy plays ok but there is no sound
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    1. Check that your ASPI is actually installed properly, lost of people just run it once to install but sometimes it says its dont but it isnt (run the ASPICHK program and check ALL the version numbers are identical)

    2. MOHAA is SafeDisc2.9 i beliveve... cant remember if the DRU500 is a 2sheeper (i dont think it is) but to backup SD2.9 you need a 2sheep burner. :)
  7. fludo10

    fludo10 Guest

    I have been looking on a forum on the 321 site and it appears that 75% of people that use this program have problems.In fact 321 themselves say that a lot of games will only work from copied disks with games x copy running in the back ground and that they will upgrade in the future to crack the most upto date copywrite coding.I just think that it is a crap program isswued too soon to pay for their ongoing court case visa vi dvd copying.I will just have to wait for the upgrade.
    Thanks for your help.

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