This question is not very clear. I find out what time the football game is being played and what channel it is broadcast on. I then set my standalone DVD recorder to the correct channel, time, duration and record speed and the football game is copied on to a disc. Great for watching at a later time.
But if you have TiVO, why would you even need the hassle of copying to a disc? Just get TiVO, and the game will be there forever.
sorry not very good at this. i want to copy my sons fifa 2005 pc game as he has a habit of damaging the disc. what is tivo.cattchog
Cattch08, just having fun...TiVO is an American product, well, not American, but we have it in America. It's Digital Video Recorder for Cable and Satellite signals. It's not for copying PC games. I've never copied a PC game, only Playstation, so I'm afraid I can't be of too much assistance, but I really don't see why you couldn't. If you can copy a game for Playstation or Xbox, why couldn't you do it for PC as well. For Playstation, I just run it through DVD Decrypter...ISO Read, and then ISO write. There's a little more to it, but I'm sure you don't need a swapdisc for PC. that I know what you are talking about, you should have posted this in a different forum.
Teleported @ cattch08 Try these threads to start off with, They'll give you a general idea of the software and techniques involved. Be sure to post back if you need more help