I have tried to use alcohol 120% and Clone CD I have never used either successfully. Today I have looked at Gamesxcopy, anyone know if this is easy to use? I just want a easy to use prog for backing up prog! One button would be good.
I have just used GamesXcopy for the first time. It worked well. I backed up my owned copy of Battlefield 1942. In the past all other programs I tried were going to take 3.5 hours plus to rip the image, this took 15 mins. For my first try it was great.
Learn how to use Alcohol 120!!. I tried backing up Call of Duty with games X copy and it didn't work. Games X copy fails to crack the new versions of safedisc 2.51. Alcohol 120 can be tweaked to crack any game, trust me. 321 studios makes some damn good products (dvd x copy express etc..), but games x copy is a joke. Get a refund and start using alcohol 120. Later.
Can't the new BlindWrite5 successfully copy a game with the new safedisc 2.51? I thought I read somewhere here at AD or somewhere else that it could. Alcohol 120% & BlindWrite5 are both damn good.
I think Safedisc is up to 3.15 now. I should be picking up the Athena's Sword expasion to Raven Shield soon which I believe is Safedisc 3.15 so I'll give BW5 a whirl on it.
Oh, well I wasn't sure what Safedisc was up to. BTW, isn't the release date for Athena's Sword in March? Cuz the day it's released I'm getting it.